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T-980 meeting

Penthouse (Fermilab)



T-980 meeting (20 Jan 2009)

  • Status of IHEP goniometer and crystals (Mokhov)
Nikolai reported that status of goniometer is good. Accord has been signed by lab director. IHEP is making sure shipping to USA has clear path. They will also provide drawings and technical information. Payment is based on approval of drawings.
IHEP will also provide 2 new crystals 1) O shaped 5mm long, angle of ~ 400urad with very small miscut angle. 2) The second crystal should be determined by collaboration and not sure of details. We should provide at our next meeting conclusions of discussion about this. Nikolai will look into it. Crystal that comes from IHEP should carry passport and technical defintions.

  • Plans for next EOS (Still)

Dean reported that there is enough crystal data and reproducibiltiy to ask for an EOS study with the purpose of testing the automatic placement of the crystal into the beam. Once the crystal is placed into the beam and confirmed in the correct angle the store could collide for ~ 1 hour to look at loss effects and lifetimes at the experiments. If this test is successful, a formal letter should be written with the defense for T-980 to attempt to insert the crystal at the beginning of store. We would like to show that losses are equal to or less than tungsten target scheme. Dean will begin writing this paper that will be sent to Roger.

There is concern from Todd that there is extra radiation at the pin and crystal due to moving the D49 target and E03 collimator to more of a 2 stage setup.

  • Progress of simulation front :(Apyan)
Armen provided talk on simulation output off single pass of beam distribution for + and - 1.6mrad  miscut angle of crystal and beam and also 0 miscut angle.  He found suprisingly that + case is better.   He is going to rerun this because not sure it makes sense and he will also work on multiturn effects.

  • Plans for Studies 2009 (All)
Nikolai showed slide on overall plan for 2009 for all the work that is needed to be done.

There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 14:00 14:20
      Status of the IHEP goniometer and crystals 20m
      Speaker: N. Mokhov
    • 14:20 14:40
      Plans for next EOS 20m
      Speaker: D. Still
    • 14:40 15:00
      Progress on Simulation Front (miscut angle etc.) 20m
      Speaker: A. Apyan & A. Drozhdin
    • 15:00 15:30
      Plans for 2009 Studies 30m
      Speaker: N. Mokhov