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ProtoDUNE-ND Electronics and Readout 4/30/2020

All Zoom Meeting

All Zoom Meeting

Minutes and Action Tasks from April 30, 2020 Electronics and Readout Integration Meeting

  • Attendees: Sasha, Nikolay, Basil, Linda, Cindy, Geoff, Anne, Steve,Trevor, "Dvfedos" and Ting
  • News:
    • Fermilab will be closed for another month until end of May;
    • Recovery and restart plan is in the making to continue onsite works including detector hall preparation for argonCube test in MINOS
    • PPE will be made available for MINERvA/MINOS decommissioning crews to keep social distancing
    • New email list of "dune-proto-nd" is created and most attendees of the electronics integration meetings are on the list.
    • We will continue with the 10:30am Thursday biweekly time slot. Let me know if you have issues
  • Light readout system and DC power requirement (Sasha)
    • Sasha's slide is to be posted on the indico page
    • 396 SIPMs for 2x2 needs bias voltage up to 50V. Might be able to reduce to 20V with new SiPMs which is to be under test in DUBNA soon
      • Current scheme is to have a source PS (40V/1A) for common bias voltage and one PS (40V/2A) for custom DCS to distribute bias voltage to the 396 sensors in the cold
      • We will look for two power supplies. A few options (Weiner pod or Keithley) was mentioned in the meeting. We will look PAB and other areas for this.
      • Basil is working on a control and monitoring scheme for the siPM PS and DAC-- see his summary attached to the agenda
        • The hardware is  Tinker board which is a commercial SBC. 
        • Standalone Python is used.
        • We think it is straightforward to integrate the work into EPICS
        • Like to hear more from Basil on the design, functionality, test status, and plan for integration
    • PGA box needs total +5V/90A single source  (+/- 5V/45A dual source) to drive 64 analog cables for 2x2 (four TPCs)
      • It is possible to split into four DC systems each controlling one TPC for east debugging
      • The PGA box is to power the PGA (programmable gain amplifier) to drive 4x16 coaxial cables between cold flanges and ADCs on the readout rack
      • There are two choices for the +5V/90A PS: Weiner PL6021s from MINOS or Delta-Sm series.
      • We need to know more of the design of the PGA box and its connection to flange before starting power distribution system
      • Dubna to provide 3D design files and we will try to make a system schematics
    •   Cold-amps on the detector (LMH6624 from Texas Instrument) needs smaller current PS: +/-5V dual source for total of 4A.
      • Dubna prefers a linear supplier for low ripple noise (~mV p-p)
      • Is it possible to use switch PS with low ripple too? We will look into this
      • The DC power will go through the PGA box
  • DC PS option discussion by Linda
    • Detail is in Linda's slides posted on the agenda
    • Minder PS from MINOS seems a good fit to the need of PGA and cold amp
      • Each of the PS has 6 outputs with voltage ranges 2-to-7V or 7-to-16V of different amps from 11A to 115A
      • We need to reserve some PS from MINOS decommissioning. We will ask 10 to start with.
    • We need to know detail of the schematic, layout and connections to start detail design for the DC distribution
      • Good examples from previous experiment provided in the slides (p6 and p7)
    • Linda to work closely with Nikolay and Sasha to generate engineering documentations
      • We plan to get engineering support to start the work this summer
      • We will also to start conversation with neutrino division ESH on operation safety review
    • We will also generate a list of subsystems needed to be reviewed and go through each in our meetings
  • Action task list
    • We need design detail on the metal box hosting PGA and co-axial cables
    • Dubna to provide 3D files of readout system layout, cables and connections. We will generate schematics from those layout for discussion
    • At Fermilab, we will look options for the two DC PS for siPM bias
    • We will also provide a list of design tasks on DC power and distribution
  • AOB
    • We will meet in two weeks tentatively May 14. 
    • Planned agenda includes Basil on siPM PS control, discussion on DC system design tasks and also from Francesco on PLC feedthrough,
    • Let me know if you have additional topics.
There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 1
      News and action task status
    • 2
      Light readout system and DC power requirement
      Speaker: Mr Alexandr Selyunn (JINR)
    • 3
      Power supply options
      Speaker: Linda Bagby (Fermilab)
    • 4