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Experience from protoDUNE-DP, production means, simulations

6 Apr 2020, 09:00


Experience from protoDUNE-DP, production means, simulations

  • Dario Autiero (IPNL)

Presentation materials

Dr Alain Delbart (Irfu)
06/04/2020, 09:00
Dr Edoardo Mazzucato (CEA Saclay)
06/04/2020, 09:10
Guillaume Eurin (CEA/IRFU)
06/04/2020, 09:40
Rui De Oliveira (CERN)
06/04/2020, 10:25
Pedro Correia (University of Aveiro)
06/04/2020, 10:55
Dr Alain Delbart (Irfu)
06/04/2020, 11:25
Building timetable...