XCache DevOps Meeting Apr 02, 2020

Brian Bockelman, Derek Weitzel (University of Nebraska - Lincoln), Marian Zvada (US CMS)

Time: 11AM PT/1PM CT/2PM ET
Where: ZOOM.US

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Attendees: Andy, Matevz, Ilija, Derek, JohnH, Edgar, DiegoD, Marian

- no news, Marian still needs to contact Brian and Frank about meeting on "how jobs uses caches by different communities"
- VP project presentation by Ilija on April 21, more info will come via email (Derek will sent indico page with DOMA/ACCESS schedule)

XRootD development for XCache
- v5 RC2 out, testing

- XCache can start with out an Authfile: closed, macaroon related, explained here:
- question on minimizing logging, Andy will suggest:
- linking issues with plugins in builds, cmstfc-xrootd, cut the issue ticket to discuss further, can be under the xrootd github as this relates to plugins integration

ATLAS XCache deployment
- discovered never connected to 100gig, messed up something with networking
- TRIUMP problems - glusterfs?

- lot of discussion spent on summary and detailed monitoring variants we use for caches, normal xrootd servers, found discrepancies that lead to old GLED collector, new generation collector (for CMS and caches) and collector that runs at UChicago, need to make separate meeting on this, there is some email already going around how Frank envision monitoring of caches et al in general

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