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The FERMI(FNAL) network authorization method will be removed on Tuesday, Feb 4th at 5PM CST. See news for more details.
Time: 11AM PT/1PM CT/2PM ET
Where: ZOOM.US
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General notes to mention:
This is a little workshop among OSG, ATLAS, and CMS to discuss "How your jobs are using caches". The session is targeted to learn what other groups of cache users are doing, what kind of issues they face, and what concerns different users may have - that way we cross-check over different approaches and possibly validate/revise caches integration and development.
The preferable content of each topic should present but is not limited to:
* interaction of caches and job submission infrastructure, i.e. how do you tell your jobs use one cache or another
* what is the most common case, either whole cached files to deliver or partial cache information to the jobs
* authoritative list of the caches (caches catalog like OSG have in the topology for example)
* how do you select the origin (source) for the cache data in order to find optimal/closest source
* do your caches have the resources necessary (network, disk i/o, etc) to handle the load of jobs and how do you balance your cache capabilities
We also give a room to Frank give a short update status on HL-HLC review preparation which also touches on the concept of larger-scale usage of caches within HLC among experiment.