6. Pnfs should refuse the moves that are illegal. Patrick will send Vladimir references to the related place in code. 8. Too much irrelevant info is logged into catalina.out 9. Likely is caused by idle thresholds 10. 11. Gerd is going to look at example. Syncing the control files after writes might reduce number of inconsistent states. Catalin: pools fail to start after accumulation of some of the broken triads. 12. PnfsManager was queuing, srmcp copies were timing out. Pnfs Remove message is in the queue, it times out on the door and pnfs manager removes the message from the queue as well. so the namespace entry stays, pool side 0 length file is not removed too. Clean up for ftp/srm should be more robust. Rm should be based on pnfsid. 13. OOME Jon: we already detect OOME, record them and restart the service. 16. Gerd. Pool selection is based partially on the age of the files in the pools. Jon: We see that in current system new files are flashed while old ones stay in pools. Gerd: This used to work in 1.8 but does not work in 1.9. Jon we write randomly (no cost function). Patrick: in this case age is not considered on writing.