dCache Release and Deployment. Tanya: OSG releases every 3 months. dCache releases schedule is based on features. Move to time based release schedule. Patrick: customers associate particular release with particular features. Time based release add structure. Tigran: How many past versions do we support and at what level? We only support bug fixes. Support would benefit from version info in each RT ticket. Paul : people should attach version info in xml. Number of supported versions should not be large. Timur: versions supported should be based on the age of the release :everything release within last x month is supported. Paul: another possibility is to have just one branch which has a long term support and other branches that are short lived. Patrick: Keeping customers informed about our policy is important and as long as they know what we do, they are happy. Agreements: Introduce Longer Term Support (Golden) releases and the more frequent releases. Support for Golden releases ends several months after next Golden release is made. The first Golden release will be made shortly after STEP09 exercises completion. Golden releases do receive bug fixes. Time based releases are made every other month. Sites waiting for particular features will install those. We should agree on the next release date two weeks before the previous release date. This process should be evaluated, and if it proves to be non-practical, more flexible release schedule will be adapted.Do not fix a date for next release, as soon as we come up with 1.9.3 date, we implement the timed based release process as well.