4–8 May 2009
Fermilab, Wilson Hall 3NW (mo, tu, fr), FCC2a (we, th)
US/Central timezone


SRM Protocol Improvements

6 May 2009, 09:00
Fermilab, Wilson Hall 3NW (mo, tu, fr), FCC2a (we, th)

Fermilab, Wilson Hall 3NW (mo, tu, fr), FCC2a (we, th)


Review of the WLCG SRM Protocol improvement initiatives (SRM-BUSY, Async LS)
Transport Layer Security alternatives to GSI, delegation optimization, delegation in TLS
Client behavior optimization
Planning for upcoming Meeting on the future of the storage control protocols
Providing monitoring and usage info for CMS-T1 SRM at FNAL for DESY SRM meeting.

Presentation materials

Building timetable...