1.Distribution vehicles for additional tools. Create new rpm dcache-tools-xxx.rpm Tools install into the dcache dir tree. Standard dCache Quality and testing standards should apply. Should we have separate version number lines for clients and server? Need to streamline release notes for clients. No versioning changes at this time. 2. Common Object Relation Mapping (ORM) library Aspects to be considered: Performance, functionality, long term support, licensing. We currently have JDBC, JPox-JDO, TopLink-JPA. Not in use Hibernate. Use JPA unless not feasible. Applies to new development only. Existing code developers are encouraged to move towards JPA. Use TopLink unless this causes performance or other types of problems. Spring Database support is robust.Spring has extended documentation. 3. Common log4j configuration. dCache and SRM use different configuration files. Agree to migrate to XML based log4j configuration. SRM needs an appender that does not log in standard out. Consider logging into a single file per node, prefex each log with cell and domain names. Investigate parameterized log4j configuration.Remove number of log4j jars in dcache code. Command line log4j configuration should have shortcuts for most useful system wide commands for enabling debugging. Rename log4j command line commands to just "log ...". 4. Optimize SRM packaging, deployment and upgrades. Build as much of tomcat and SRM trees during the build time. Consider parametrizing server.xml. Repackage dCache or SRM so that RPM does not duplicate jars. 5. Modular domain definitions, cell mobility. Gerd: Use directory structure with directories corresponding to domains with links pointing to the components (cells) that need to run in this particular domain. Goals: get rid of install.sh. Move the cells around without changing batch files. Links modifications are easily scripted.