1:30 PM
Parton Distribution Functions, αs and Heavy-Quark Masses for LHC Run II
Sven-Olaf Moch
(Universität Hamburg)
1:55 PM
Parton distributions for LHC applications
Pavel Nadolsky
(Southern Methodist University)
2:20 PM
NNLL resummation with the ARES method
Andrea Banfi
(University of Sussex)
2:45 PM
Resummation of transverse observables in hadronic collisions
Pier Monni
3:10 PM
Combined threshold and transverse momentum resummation for pt distributions at NNLL
Claudio Museli
(INFN - University of Milan)
3:35 PM
Vector boson production in joint resummation
Vincent Theeuwes
(University at Buffalo - SUNY)