Please read these instructions before posting any event on Fermilab Indico

Indico will be unavailable on Wed, Jan 15th from 7-7:30am CST due to server maintenance.

15–18 Jul 2013
Argonne National Laboratory
US/Central timezone


Registration Form

Opened 18 Mar 2013
Closed 11 Sep 2016

The registration fee for all days is $125 and includes attendance at all sessions, refreshments for coffee breaks, and administrative costs of organizing the meeting. The registration fee for the open session (Monday), "Review of Discovery Physics Results from the LHC", is $35. Registration fee for the closed part of the workshop (Tuesday-Thursday) is $90. No refunds will be issued for non-use of services provided. Payment can be made by clicking Step 2 from the main conference page. You will be redirected to RegOnline, where we accept personal checks, MASTERCARD, VISA, DISCOVER, DINERS CLUB, and AMERICAN EXPRESS. All fees must be paid in U.S. dollars. Argonne employees must pay for the banquet using their personal credit card or check. You do not need to pay the registration fee if you plan to present and attend remotely. If paying by CHECK, please make it payable to ARGONNE NATIONAL LABORATORY, reference "US ATLAS WORKSHOP", and mail to the address below: Argonne National Laboratory ATTN: Tracey Stancik 9700 S. Cass Avenue, Bldg. 201, Room 2S-06 Argonne, IL 60439 YOU ARE NOT CONSIDERED FULLY REGISTERED UNTIL FULL PAYMENT HAS BEEN RECEIVED.

Registration is closed
The registration period has passed.