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4–6 Oct 2017
SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
US/Pacific timezone


Overview of group's activities

4 Oct 2017, 08:55
Redwood Rooms Bldg 48 (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)

Redwood Rooms Bldg 48

SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory

2575 Sand Hill Rd. Menlo Park, CA USA

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Gary Drake (Argonne National Laboratory)
04/10/2017, 08:55
Dr Shaorui Li (BNL)
04/10/2017, 09:15
Prof. Gustaaf Brooijmans (Columbia University)
04/10/2017, 09:35
Dr Gregory Deptuch (FERMILAB PPD/EED)
04/10/2017, 09:55
Prof. Gary Varner (University of Hawaii)
04/10/2017, 10:35
Stuart Kleinfelder (UC Irvine)
04/10/2017, 10:55
Dr Carl Grace (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
04/10/2017, 11:15
Mr Jinhong Wang (University of Michigan)
04/10/2017, 11:35
Mr Mitch Newcomer (U.Penn)
04/10/2017, 11:55
Prof. Forrest Brewer (UC Santa Barbara)
04/10/2017, 13:15
Dr Herve Grabas (University of California, Santa Cruz)
04/10/2017, 13:35
Angelo Dragone (SLAC)
04/10/2017, 13:55
Prof. Ping Gui (SMU)
04/10/2017, 14:15
Jingbo Ye (SMU)
04/10/2017, 14:35
Prof. Tim Andeen (U Texas, Austin)
04/10/2017, 14:55
Building timetable...