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12–14 Dec 2017
Argonne, Building 240
US/Central timezone
Registration is Closed

The Coordination Panel for Advanced Detector R&D of the American Physical Society Division of Particles and Fields is organizing a workshop on “Quantum Sensing for High Energy Physics” at Argonne National Laboratory on December 12–14, 2017.

The ultra-precise measurements of quantum phenomena offer opportunities to devise powerful new probes of nature relevant to the mission of particle physics. This workshop seeks to identify approaches and techniques in the domain of quantum sensing that can be utilized by future HEP applications to further the scientific goals of High Energy Physics as outlined by the P5 report. The workshop will have a one day pedagogical introduction to fundamental quantum principles and how they are harnessed in various technologies, followed by two days of in-depth exploration of intersections with and potential applications for particle physics. The conclusions of the workshop will be summarized in a white-paper report that will capture the opportunities.

Scientific Organizing Committee
Karl van Bibber (UCB)
Malcolm Boshier (LANL)
Marcel Demarteau (ANL, co-chair)
Matt Dietrich (ANL)
Maurice Garcia-Sciveres (LBNL)
Salman Habib (ANL)
Hannes Hubmayr (NIST)
Kent Irwin (Stanford)
Akito Kusaka (LBNL)
Joe Lykken (FNAL)
Mike Norman (ANL)
Raphael Pooser (ORNL)
Sergio Rescia (BNL)
Ian Shipsey (Oxford, co-chair)
Chris Tully (Princeton)
Argonne, Building 240
TCS Conference Center
Advancing Quantum Information Science has been a priority of the National Council for Science and Technology since 2016. This workshop seeks to identify approaches and techniques in the domain of quantum sensing that are useful for future High Energy Physics applications that further the scientific mission of the Office of High Energy Physics as defined by the P5 Report. The fundamental advances that are currently being made in the area of quantum information science and quantum sensors may enable precision measurements that could yield information on fundamental physics processes, physics beyond the standard model and shed light on the dark sector of the universe that is currently not available. The techniques used in Quantum Information Science span a broad spectrum and many are not as familiar to the HEP community. This 3-day workshop will explore the connections between Quantum Sensing and High Energy Physics and formulate a strategy for the development of a new research initiative for particle physics. The workshop will reach out to other communities and organizations inviting scientists with the relevant expertise to help guide and shape the HEP program in this area of science. The overall organization of the workshop will have two distinct sessions. The workshop will start with an overview of the current research in quantum information science relevant to particle physics. This one day “school” will provide genuinely pedagogical accounts of the underlying theory and an overview of the state of the art of principal techniques in the field today. The second and third day will focus on possible applications of quantum sensors to key fundamental particle physics questions. The workshop will engage researchers at universities and laboratories over a broad range of science disciplines. All presentations will be plenary and highly interactive. The target attendance will be blend of both experimentalists and theorists. We will foster in depth discussions that help to identify the most productive paths going forward. The areas that will be covered will include but not limited to: • Quantum sensors to probe physics beyond the Standard Model • Quantum sensors for dark sector physics • Precision space-time sensors based on atom interferometry and optical atomic clocks