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8 December 2017
TCS Conference Center Building #240
US/Central timezone
Mu2e-II is a proposed upgrade and evolution of the Mu2e experiment. This workshop is focused on the R&D required to improve the sensitivity for neutrinoless muon-to-electron conversion by one order of magnitude beyond Mu2e. The proposed upgrade of Mu2e-II plans to use as much of the Mu2e infrastructure as possible, providing, where required, improvements to the Mu2e apparatus to accommodate the increased beam intensity and cope with the accompanying increase in backgrounds. In this workshop, we hope to hear ideas for R&D which would be suitable for realizing Mu2e-II. Mu2e-II workshop goals: - Summarize the experimental challenges - enumerate the high priority R&D needs - brainstorm ideas for addressing these issues
TCS Conference Center Building #240
Argonne National Laboratory 9700 S. Cass Avenue, Bldg. 362 Argonne, IL 60439