Aug 6 – 7, 2009
OSG Grid Operations Center
US/Central timezone


InstallFest IIa: Storage Element

Aug 7, 2009, 8:30 AM
OSG Grid Operations Center

OSG Grid Operations Center

Informatics and Community Technology Complex (IT) 535 West Michigan Street Indianapolis, IN 46202


Storage Element: Installation tips and help for various types
- BeStMan+xrootd
- BeStMan on ... (POSIX like FS: NFS, GPFS, ... )

To join remotely:
Phone: +1 510-665-5437 , ID # 12121

Session recordings:
- InstallFest 2 (a+b) - SEs: ok

Presentation materials

Alex Sim (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
8/7/09, 8:30 AM
Dr Iwona Sakrejda (LBNL/NERSC)
8/7/09, 9:00 AM
Mrs Tanya Levshina (Fermilab)
8/7/09, 9:40 AM
Mrs Tanya Levshina (Fermilab)
8/7/09, 9:55 AM
Building timetable...