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Lunch Seminars

Homogeneous Hadron Calorimetry for future HEP experiments

by Hans Wenzel (Fermilab)

F-108 (ANL, Bldg. 362)


ANL, Bldg. 362

We describe simulation studies of a homogeneous total absorption dual readout calorimeter. The simulation assumes that with appropriate dense crystals and optimized readout elements, both scintillation and Cerenkov photons can be produced and detected separately. The correlation between the Cerenkov and Scintillation light then allows to selectively correct particle energies event by event, resulting in improved hadronic energy resolution. We describe CaTS a flexible GEANT 4 and ROOT based framework that we developed and present various studies including, the energy resolution that can be achieved and the response to various single particles In addition we present detailed studies of the space-time development of hadronic showers using GEANT 4. The dominant physics processes responsible for the energy deposited by different kinds of showering particles have been identified. Several sources of fluctuations of the local density of the energy deposited have been identified and their impact on the resulting energy resolution have been evaluated.