Local Organizing Committee
6/28/10, 8:45 AM
Young-Kee Kim
(Deputy Director, Fermilab)
6/28/10, 8:50 AM
Michael Albrow
(Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
6/28/10, 9:00 AM
I shall present selected examples of accelerator data, mainly from hadron colliders, that are relevant for understanding cosmic ray showers. I focus on the forward region, x(Feynman) > 0.05, where high energy data are scarce, since the emphasis in collider physics became high-pT phenomena. I discuss whether that situation can be improved.
Thomas Gaisser
(University of Delaware)
6/28/10, 9:50 AM
Important new results in four areas of particle astrophysics are on the agenda of this conference: atmospheric leptons; direct measurements of composition and spectrum to 100 TeV; air shower measurements from the knee to the ankle; and the upper end of the cosmic-ray spectrum. Each of these topics has a long history, with the techniques and the basic questions being established early on. What...
Paolo Lipari
(INFN Roma 1)
6/28/10, 11:10 AM
The study of high energy cosmic rays requires a good understanding of the properties of hadronic interactions.
Information on the strong interactions can be obtained in experimental studies at accelerators,
however the modeling of cosmic rays showers requires an extrapolation of the observations made at accelators with some guidance from theoretical ideas.
This talk will...
Rajendran Raja
6/28/10, 12:00 PM
Calculations of fluxes of atmospheric neutrinos and muons from extensive air showers suffer from our lack of knowledge of hadronic production processes. We are dependent of particle production models which suffer from systematics from both model dependent assumptions as well as the data used to tune them.
We will present recent published data from NA49, and NA61 experiments as well as present...
Baha Balantekin
(University of Wisconsin)
6/28/10, 1:30 PM
Recent ultra high-energy cosmic ray data hints an increase of heavier nuclei in the composition of the cosmic ray flux, accentuating the importance of more precise nuclear physics input. In this talk recent results from relativistic heavy ion and other nuclear experiments will be summarized and the possible impact of these results on understanding cosmic ray interactions will be discussed.
Mary Convery
6/28/10, 2:00 PM
We present relevant results from CDF and D0, including diffractive and elastic scattering, and other inclusive measurements.
Georges Azuelos
(Univ. de Montreal)
6/28/10, 2:30 PM
Since the startup of the LHC in December 2009, the ATLAS detector has been accumulating data from collisions at center of mass energies of 900 GeV and 7 TeV. Although the integrated luminosity is still low, it is increasing at an accelerated pace. The data have already made it possible to commission and calibrate the various subdetectors, understand their performance in detail and refine the...
Ambra Gresele
(Trento University)
6/28/10, 3:00 PM
The status of CMS concerning the 2009 run and the first data recorded at 7 TeV in 2010 will be reported. After a summary of the LHC and detector performance, including some example of interesting events, the talk will focus to the first results obtained. In particular, emphasis will be given to low-pT QCD physics including charged hadron spectra, the measurement of Bose-Einstein correlations...
Emilio Radicioni
6/28/10, 4:00 PM
Totem is exploring the forward region at
pseudorapidity larger than 3.1; its main goal is the measurement of the
total and elastic cross-section at 14 TeV and the study of diffractive
physics in the forward region.
The experiment is now built and almost
completely commissioned; data taking started in December 2009.
TOTEM aims at measuring the total cross section beyond 1 TeV/c with...
Takashi SAKO
(Solar-Terrestrial Environment laboratory, Nagoya University)
6/28/10, 4:30 PM
LHCf (Large Hadron Collider forward) is a dedicated experiment to measure the
neutral particles emitted around zero degree of LHC interactions. Energy and Pt
spectra of photons, pi-zero and neutral hadrons at such forward region are crucial
to qualify the existing interaction models and to improve them for cosmic-ray physics.
From the end of 2009, LHCf has successfully taken data at LHC...
Edwin Norbeck
(University of Iowa)
6/28/10, 5:00 PM
CASTOR, a very forward (5.2<η<6.6) Čerenkov-light, tungsten/quartz calorimeter was installed and commissioned at CMS (LHC) in 2009. The calorimeter, with 16-fold φ-segmentation, 14-fold z-segmentation (224 channels) and 10λ(int), has been obtaining data since November 2009. The physics to be addressed with CASTOR include forward energy flow in pp, AA and pA, critical for the screening of EAS...
Christian Linn
(University Heidelberg)
6/28/10, 5:15 PM
First pp collisions at sqrt(s) = 0.9 and 7 TeV have been recorded by the LHCb detector using a minimum bias trigger. These data are very valuable to commission the detector and trigger algorithms, but will also be used to perform a number of interesting minimum bias physics measurements, in the forward region covered by the LHCb detector (polar angles between 15 and 300 mrad), amongst which...
Henner Buesching
(University of Frankfurt)
6/29/10, 8:30 AM
The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN (Geneva, Switzerland) has successfully started operation in 2009. Collisions of protons at energies of 7 TeV are being provided to the experiments, the highest center-of-mass energy ever achieved in accelerators. The ALICE experiment at the LHC is designed for the investigation of heavy-ion collisions, but it is also well suited for studies of pp...
John Mitchell
(NASA Goddard Space Flight Center)
6/29/10, 8:50 AM
Using high-performance superconducting or permanent magnets coupled with precision detector systems, magnetic-rigidity spectrometers have the unique ability to completely identify incident particles by charge, charge-sign, mass, and energy. Magnetic spectrometers are central to measurements of cosmic antiparticles and the spectra of light isotopes and elements. Positron and antiproton spectra...
Eun-Suk Seo
(University of Maryland)
6/29/10, 9:40 AM
Direct measurements of cosmic rays with satellite or balloon-borne detectors are used for understanding cosmic ray origin, acceleration and propagation, exploring the supernova acceleration limit, and searching for exotic sources such as dark matter. Their energy reach is currently limited to ~10^15 eV by the detector size and exposure time, but incident particles are identified...
Andrei Kounine
(MIT), Prof.
Samuel C.C. Ting
6/29/10, 11:00 AM
The Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (AMS) is a major particle physics experiment on the International Space Station (ISS). AMS is a general purpose particle physics spectrometer using the technologies commonly employed at CERN and Fermilab and upgraded for space applications. The properties of the AMS detector are that it will provide a coordinate resolution of 10 microns, a timing resolution of...
Satoru Takahashi
(Nagoya University)
6/29/10, 11:20 AM
We are planning to observe cosmic gamma-ray in the energy range 10MeV to 100GeV by balloon-borne gamma-ray telescope with nuclear emulsion. Nuclear emulsion is a precise tracker. By detecting starting point of electron pair, gamma-ray direction can be determined precisely (1.4mrad@1-2GeV). This is much better than Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope launched June 2008. Now we are developing the...
James H. Adams, Jr.
6/29/10, 11:35 AM
The JEM-EUSO mission explores the origin of the extreme energy comic-rays (EECRs) above 10^20 eV and challenges to the limit of the basic physics, through the observations, of their arrival directions and energies. It is designed to observe more than 1,000 events of EECRs above 7x10^19 eV in its five-year operation with an exposure larger than 1 million km^2 /sr/year. The super-wide-field (60...
Dimitra Atri
(University of Kansas)
6/29/10, 12:05 PM
It has been suggested that events such as supernovae, gamma ray bursts (GRBs) and motion of the Sun perpendicular to the galactic plane may expose the Earth to an enhanced flux of high energy Cosmic Rays (HECRs). The electromagnetic component of the resulting air showers leads to an increase in ionization and dissociation in the atmosphere which results in a series of chemical reactions....
Martin Block
(Northwestern University)
6/29/10, 1:20 PM
Using the Froissart bound as a unifying theme, I will show that
the experimental data for hadronic crosssections, from nucleon-nucleon,
pion-proton, gamma-p and gamma*-p, are all consistent with a high energy
behavior saturating the Froissart bound, all rising with energy as log^2(s).
Using analyticity constraints that tie in very accurate low-energy total
cross section measurements for...
(INAF-IFSI and INFN Torino)
6/29/10, 2:10 PM
The proton-air inelastic cross section measurement at sqrt(s) ~2 TeV from the EAS-TOP Extensive Air Shower experiment is reported. The technique exploits cosmic ray proton primaries, in the energy region $E_0 = 1.5- 2.5 x 10^15 eV, studying the absorption length of their cascades when detected at maximum development. Primary energies are selected through the EAS muon number, and proton...
Ralph Engel
(Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT))
6/29/10, 2:25 PM
After introducing the general structure of event generators used for simulating cosmic ray interactions we describe the underlying philosophy of the Monte Carlo models EPOS, QGSJET, SIBYLL, and DPMJET. Some of the important assumptions of the models are reviewed in detail and the prediction obtained with the models are discussed. The reliability of the predictions is one of the key questions...
Alexander Borisov
(P.N.Lebedev Physical Institute, RAS)
6/29/10, 4:30 PM
A recommencement of CR researches with a unique X-Ray emulsion chamber (XREC) located at a high-altitude experimental site at the Pamirs (4360 m a.s.l.) in the framework of the Pamir-Chacaltaya International Scientific Research Center, recently established by the Governments of the Russian Federation and Tajikistan (2008), opens up a possibility for deep upgrading of the experimental setup...
Isaac Myers
(University of Utah Department of Physics and Astronomy)
6/29/10, 4:30 PM
Progress in the study of high energy cosmic ray physics is limited by low flux. In order to collect substantial statistics above $10^{19}$~eV, the two largest ground arrays currently in operation cover 800~$\mbox{km}^2$ (Telescope Array, Utah) and 3000~$\mbox{km}^2$ (Auger Observatory, Argentina). The logistics and cost of an order-of-magnitude increase in ground array aperture is prohibitive....
Vera Yurievna Sinitsyna
(P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute)
6/29/10, 4:30 PM
Extragalactic diffuse background radiation blocks the propagation of TeV γ-ray over large distances (z>0.1) by producing electron-positron pairs. As a result, primary spectrum of gamma-source is changed, depending on spectrum of background light. So, a hard spectra of Active Galactic Nuclei with high red shifts of 0.03 – 1.8 allow to determine an absorption by Extragalactic Background Light...
Sergey Shaulov
6/29/10, 4:30 PM
The Ne spectra for EAS and EAS with gamma-families are analyzed (Experiment "Hadron"-Tien-Shan).Presence thin structure (peaks) in EAS spectrum with gamma-families and necessity of simultaneous approximation of two spectra (EAS and EAS+γ) essentially the same mass composition limits possible models of nucleus individual spectra. The elementary variant of model when spectra of all five nuclear...
Benjamin Stokes
(University of Utah)
6/29/10, 4:30 PM
The history of ultra-high energy cosmic ray observation is now approaching 50 years. However, until quite recently, the full simulation of an extensive air shower was computationally impossible due to the vast quantity of daughter particles involved. However, with the advent of modern cluster computing, simulations that once would have taken years to complete can be done in a matter of hours...
Nobusuke Takahashi
(Hirosaki University)
6/29/10, 4:30 PM
By using the integral methods in the muon propagation through water, we calculate the range fluctuation of high and ultra high energy muons. Many authors divide all radiative processes into two part, namely, the continuous part and stochastic part in their Monte Carlo simulation in order to consider the fluctuation in the both range and energies of the muons, while we treat all radiative...
Sergei Sinegovsky
(Institute of Applied Physics, Irkutsk State University)
6/29/10, 4:30 PM
High-energy neutrinos, arising from decays of mesons that were produced through the cosmic rays collisions with air nuclei, form unavoidable background noise in the astrophysical neutrino detection problem. The atmospheric neutrino flux above 1 PeV should be supposedly dominated by the contribution of charmed particle decays. These (prompt) neutrinos originated from decays of massive...
Alexander Borisov
(P.N.Lebedev Physical Institute, RAS)
6/29/10, 4:30 PM
Analysis of various data accumulated in X-ray emulsion chamber experiments, especially, data on gamma–hadron families with unusual characteristics (Centauros, aligned events etc.), requires a comprehensive computer code to simulate propagation of electromagnetic and various-type hadron particles through a sandwich-like medium of emulsion chambers as well as measuring procedures employed for...
Rauf Mukhamedshin
(Institute for Nuclear Research of Russian Academy of Science)
6/29/10, 4:30 PM
New-type coordinate detector is considered which is based on special-purpose integrated circuit designed for detection of charged particles, local amplification and direct transmission of signal into computer. It is shown that such detectors make it possible to achieve a higher coordinate determination accuracy and processing speed as well as to bring down their cost as compared with modern...
Rauf Mukhamedshin for ATHLET Collaboration
(Institute for Nuclear Research of Russian Academy of Science)
6/29/10, 4:30 PM
Three-level (3340, 1750 and 850 m a.s.l) ATHLET (Almaty Three Level Experimental Technique) complex is built up for investigations in fields of cosmic ray (CR) physics, astrophysics and gamma-ray astronomy of superhigh energies. The ATHLET’s highest part has to include a) 1-km2-area ADRON-M facility with a “dense” location of detectors to detect electromagnetic, hadron, muon, neutron and radio...
Ashwini Kumar
(Banaras Hindu University)
6/29/10, 4:30 PM
We present our observations on the various features from the 855 interactions of 14.6 A
GeV 28Si in nuclear emulsion. Multiplicity distribution, mean multiplicities, multiplicity
correlations of black, grey, shower and helium fragments are studied in this investigation. A
comparative study of the results obtained from the interactions at 14.6 A GeV ...
Edgar Bugaev
(Institute for Nuclear Research)
6/29/10, 4:30 PM
We present results of caslculations of transverse and longitudinal cross sections of photoabsorption on the nucleon target, in a broad region of very small Bjorken x values and not very large photon virtualities, using the two-component model developed by authors in their previous works. The model is based on the generalized vector dominance concept and color dipole approaches. The detailed...
Laura Watson
(Imperial College London)
6/29/10, 4:30 PM
Active galactic nuclei (AGNs) appear to be the most plausible source of ultra-high energy cosmic rays (UHECRs), yet there is currently no conclusive evidence for this hypothesis. Correlation between the arrival directions of some UHECRs and the positions of nearby AGNs has been reported for a sample of 27 UHECRs detected by the Pierre Auger Observatory (PAO 2007), although analyses of larger...
Benjamin Burch
(Washington University in St. Louis)
6/29/10, 4:30 PM
The positron fraction observed by PAMELA and other experiments up to ~100 GeV is analyzed in terms of models of cosmic-ray propagation. It is shown that generically we expect the positron fraction to reach ~0.6 at energies of several TeV, and its energy dependence bears an intimate but subtle connection with that of the boron to carbon ratio in cosmic rays. The observed positron fraction can...
(Institute for Cosmic Ray Research, University of Tokyo.)
6/29/10, 4:30 PM
In our previous presentation we showed how well the rapidity density distributions and the transverse momentum (p_{T}) distributions at sqrt{s}=22.4, 546 and 1800 GeV are described by our phenomenological formulation.
Based on the energy dependence of the values of the parameters, which are obtained by fitting the calculated distributions to those of the experiments, we examine how the...
Marek Szuba
(Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
6/29/10, 4:30 PM
An important approach to studying high-energy cosmic rays is the investigation of the properties of extensive air showers; however, the lateral distribution of particles in simulations of such showers strongly depends on the applied model of low-energy hadronic interactions. It has been shown that many constraints to be applied to these models can be obtained by studying identified-particle...
Aleksei A. Mikhailov
(Yu.G. Shafer Institute of Cosmophysical Research and Aeronomy)
6/29/10, 4:30 PM
The arrival directions of ultrahigh energy extensive air
showers (EAS) by Yakutsk, AGASA and P. Auger data are considered. For
the first time, the arrival directions of extensive air showers of
ultrahigh energy, registered by Yakutsk EAS array more carefully are
considered. It is found that the arrival directions of EAS Yakutsk
data are correlated with pulsars from side Input of...
Mohammed Hasan Soleiman Yussef
(Cairo University, Faculty of Science, Physics department.)
6/29/10, 4:30 PM
In the present study, we inspecte a refined sample of 117 bursts from SGR1900+14 observed with RXTE, PCA. We use 10 spectral-models, and the best fitting spectral-models has been found statistically to be the thermal bremsstrahlung and the power-law. Data are analyzed more by model-independent techniques. The global color-color diagrams are obtained with no distinguishable patterns as other...
Sayed Saleh
(Cairo University)
6/29/10, 4:30 PM
Analysis has been done for the emitted particles in (12C, 16O, 22Ne, 28Si) + Emulsion interactions at (4.1-4.5) A GeV/c. The multiplicity of the emitted particles; as a function of the mass-number of the interacting projectiles nuclei; has been calculated. The multiplicity distribution and the average-values of the emitted particles (the experimental-values) are compared with that calculated...
Rauf Mukhamedshin
(Institute for Nuclear Research of Russian Academy of Science)
6/29/10, 4:30 PM
Mathematical model of experimental conditions on research for primary cosmic radiation (PCR) on the lunar surface and circumlunar orbit is considered. The fundamental possibility of detection of PCR particles is shown by the use of simultaneous detection of three components produced by cascades in the lunar regolith (secondary neutrons, gamma-ray and radio emission) measured by detectors...
Vera Georgievna Sinitsyna
(P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute)
6/29/10, 4:30 PM
Galaxy clusters have been consider as sources of TeV gamma-rays emitted by high-energy protons and electrons accelerated by large scale structure formation shocks, galactic winds, or active galactic nuclei. The Perseus cluster of galaxies is one of the best studied clusters due to its proximity and its brightness. Galaxy NGC 1275 is the central dominant galaxy of the Perseus Cluster of...
Iliana Brancus
(National Institute for Physics and Nuclear Engineering Horia Hulubei)
6/29/10, 4:30 PM
The WILLI detector, built in IFIN-HH Bucharest, in collaboration with KIT Karlsruhe, is a rotatable modular detector for measuring charge ratio for cosmic muons with energy < 1 GeV. It is under construction a mini-array for measuring the muon charge ratio in Extensive Air Showers. The EAS simulations have been performed with
The values of the muon flux, calculated with...
Douglas Rodriguez
(University of Utah)
6/29/10, 4:30 PM
The Telescope Array's Middle Drum fluorescence detector was constructed using refurbished telescopes from the High Resolution Fly's Eye (HiRes) experiment. As such, there is a direct comparison between these two experiments' fluorescence energy spectra. A progress report will be presented based on over 2 years of collected data by the Middle Drum site of Telescope Array.
Ely Leon
(Chicago State University)
6/29/10, 4:30 PM
I present the prototype Threshold Cerenkov Detector with Radial Segmentation; as a part of the detector development and implementation research. The detector has three concentric cylinders, each with a different dielectric medium, and four scintillators that triggers cosmic particles with a time of fly of 5 ns. The radiator is designed to produce more photons as the particles travels into the...
Venktesh SINGH
(Banaras Hindu University, Varanas 221 005, INDIA)
6/29/10, 4:30 PM
The emission of projectile fragments alpha has been studied in 84Kr interactions with nuclei of the nuclear emulsion detector composition at relativistic energy below 2 GeV per nucleon. The angular distribution of projectile fragments alpha in terms of transverse momentum could not be explained by a straight and clean-cut collision geometry hypothesis of Participant – Spectator (PS) Model....
Nobusuke Takahashi
(Hirosaki University)
6/29/10, 4:30 PM
We calculate high and ultra-high energy upward-going muon neutrino propagation through the Earth and the induced muon energy distribution near the one cubic kilometer detector using the Monte Carlo simulation, according to neutral current interaction. The primary neutrino energies on the surface of the Earth are 1PeV, 1EeV, and 1ZeV.
The mean free paths of ultra-high energy neutrino events...
Tanguy Pierog
6/30/10, 8:30 AM
Since 2006, EPOS hadronic interaction model is being used for very high energy cosmic ray analysis. Designed for minimum bias particle physics and used to have a precise description of SPS and RHIC heavy ion collisions, EPOS brought more detailed description of hadronic interactions in air shower development. Thanks to this model it was possible to understand why there was less muons in air...
Donghwa Kang
(Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
6/30/10, 8:45 AM
KASCADE-Grande is a large detector array for the measurement of cosmic ray air showers in the primary energy range of 100 TeV to 1 EeV. Due to the multi-detector concept of the experimental set-up, various observables of the electromagnetic, the muonic and for lower primary energies also the hadronic particle component are measured for individual air showers. The experimental data are compared...
(APC, CNRS-University Paris Diderot)
6/30/10, 9:15 AM
Present results of the LHC (up to 26 PeV in the Lab. system) are a very small lever arm for the extrapolation of models up to 100 EeV. However, the measurements of CMS exhibit a central pseudo rapidity density larger than the prediction of the different models. Introducing on this basis new guidelines, with larger multiplicities in the models inserted in thesimulation, we examine the...
(Institute for Cosmic Ray Research, University of Tokyo.)
6/30/10, 9:45 AM
We describe the rapidity density distribution and the transverse momentum (p_{t}) distribution in multiple particle production, assuming a simple mechanism. It is an assumed mechanism that the newly produced particles are emitted isotropically from several emitting centers which are distributed on the rapidity axis in CMS. The energy distribution of the emitted particles is an exponential...
Sunil Gupta
(Tata Institute of Fundamental Research)
6/30/10, 11:05 AM
The GRAPES-3 experiment is a high density array of 400 plastic scintillator detectors and a large (560 sq.m.) area muon detector located at Ooty at an altitude of 2200 m above sea level. The primary objective of this experiment is to study the high energy processes occurring in the universe through a systematic study of composition of primary cosmic rays below and above the `knee', compact...
Romen Martirosov
(Yerevan Physics Institute, Yerevan, Armenia)
6/30/10, 11:35 AM
Status of the GAMMA experiment is presented. The all-particle energy spectrum of the primary cosmic rays at energies 1 – 300 PeV has been obtained on the basis of the GAMMA experimental improved data. The irregularities of the energy spectrum above the knee are discussed in comparison with other experiments. An upper limit of Galactic diffuse gamma ray flux measured with the GAMMA experiment...
Serap Tilav
(University of Delaware)
6/30/10, 12:05 PM
IceTop air shower array, as the surface component of the IceCube Neutrino
Observatory at the South Pole, is now 92% complete and taking data with 73
stations. The detector will study the mass composition of primary cosmic rays
from the knee up to about 1 EeV. In this talk the performance of IceTop,
and the preliminary results in the energy range of 1 PeV to 80 PeV will
be reported.
Dietrich Müller
(University of Chicago)
6/30/10, 4:00 PM
Even though cosmic rays have been observed for almost a century, they remain enigmatic messengers from distant regions in space, and many questions about their origin and acceleration are still open. Details of the composition and of the energy spectra of the individual components are required to find answers, but are increasingly difficult to obtain with increasing particle energies. We will...
Juan Carlos Arteaga-Velázquez
(Instituto de Física y Matemáticas, Universidad Michoacana)
7/1/10, 8:30 AM
The study of the cosmic ray energy spectrum in the interval 10^16 eV - 10^18 eV
results of particular importance for several reasons, one of them is the possible
existence of a second knee, other one is the possible presence of a galactic-extragalactic
transition in the cosmic ray flux and another one is the prediction from some
astrophysical models of a...
Paul Doll
7/1/10, 9:00 AM
The Muon Tracking Detector (MTD) in KASCADE-Grande experiment measures with
high accuracy muon directions in EAS (Emu>800MeV). In addition, shower
directions are determined by the surface detectors with high precision. These
two conditions allow to study shower longitudinal development by means of
quantities like muon production heights and muon pseudorapidities and
lateral distributions...
(APC, CNRS-University Paris Diderot)
7/1/10, 9:15 AM
We review the different definitions of the age parameter used in the lateral and longitudinal electron distributions. In order to remove ambiguities in the interpretation of the experimental data, we have compared simulations with CORSIKA carried simultaneously with the options NKG and EGS.
The effect of the positron annihilation cross section missing in the NKG approach is pointed out for...
Pierre Sokolsky
(University of Utah)
7/1/10, 9:30 AM
Final results from the HiRes experiment on the spectrum, composition and anisotropy of ultra-high energy cosmic rays will be presented. Stereo and monocular data analysis will be described. The HiRes experiment has observed the Greisen-Zatsepin-Kuzmin cutoff. This analysis and evidence for a light composition of cosmic rays to the highest energies will be presented. Recent results on...
Paolo Privitera
(University of Chicago)
7/1/10, 10:35 AM
The Pierre Auger Observatory in the southern site of Mendoza, Argentina is the largest cosmic ray detector ever built. Since its completion in 2008, the Observatory is steadily taking data with 3000 km**2 of active detection area, accumulating an unprecedented statistics of high quality events. Results are presented on the energy spectrum of cosmic rays from 10**18 eV to the highest energy,...
Masaki Fukushima
(ICRR, Univ. Tokyo)
7/1/10, 11:10 AM
The Telescope Array (TA) experiment, located in the west desert of Utah, USA, observes ultra-high energy cosmic rays (UHECRs) with energies above 10^18.5 eV. TA employs a surface detector (SD) array and 3 batteries of fluorescence detectors (FDs) to measure extensive air showers. The direction and the energy of incoming cosmic rays are measured by both detectors, and the results can be cross...
Charles Jui
(University of Utah)
7/1/10, 11:35 AM
The Telescope Array (TA) experiment is the largest cosmic ray detector in
the northern hemisphere. It also operates the largest scintillation counter
array in the world. Together with the three fluorescence detectors (FDs),
it is optimized to study cosmic rays as independent detectors and in hybrid
mode at energies above the ankle structure. The TA low energy extension
will add two...
Dmitri Ivanov
(Rutgers University)
7/1/10, 11:50 AM
Abstract: The Telescope Array experiment is the largest cosmic ray experiment in the northern hemisphere. It consists of a surface detector (SD) of 507 scintillation counters and three fluorescence stations overlooking the SD. We develop new techniques for estimating cosmic ray energies and calculating the aperture for TA SD which utilize an accurate CORSIKA Monte Carlo (MC) simulation of...
Stanislav Knurenko
(Yu. G. Shafer Institute of cosmophysical research and aeronomy, SB RAS)
7/1/10, 12:05 PM
For a long time the three main components of extensive air showers have been measured at
the Yakutsk array: the whole charged component, muons with e_{th} \ge 1 GeV and Cherenkov
light. Using these data we reconstruct energy of primary cosmic particle (with
quasi-colorimetric method), estimate the depth of shower maximum (by the shape of charged
particles lateral distribution and a pulse...
Stanislav Knurenko
(Yu. G. Shafer Institute of cosmophysical research and aeronomy, SB RAS)
7/1/10, 1:20 PM
We present a new data on Cherenkov light observations obtained during 1994-2009 period,
after a modernization of the Yakutsk EAS array. A complex analysis of x_{max} and its
fluctuations \sigma(x_{max}) was performed in a wide energy range. With the new data,
ing to QGSJet II model, an estimation was made of cosmic rays mass composition for E_0
\sim 10^{17} - 3 \times 10^{19} eV....
Christopher Williams
(University of Chicago)
7/1/10, 1:35 PM
Recent measurements suggest free electrons created in ultra-high energy cosmic ray extensive air showers (EAS) can interact with neutral air molecules producing Bremsstrahlung radiation in the microwave regime. The microwave radiation produced is expected to scale with the number of free electrons in the shower, which itself is a function of the energy of the primary particle and atmospheric...
Frederick Kuehn
7/1/10, 1:50 PM
We present preliminary results from the most recent data on the absolute
yield of fluorescence photons in atmospheric gases by the AIRFLY
collaboration. Currently, the uncertainty in the yield forms the dominant contribution to
the systematic uncertainty in the Pierre Auger Observatory's energy
spectrum, and are at the level of 10%. Data were taken in 2009 and 2010 at
the test beam...
Rauf Mukhamedshin
(Institute for Nuclear Research of Russian Academy of Science)
7/1/10, 2:05 PM
Capability of high coordinate-resolution techniques to study features of hadron-nuclear interactions at superhigh-energies are considered by the example of X-ray emulsion chamber (XREC) techniques. Main results accumulated by this way are discussed. Sensitivity of this approach to hadron-nuclear interaction features is analyzed. Predictions for future LHC experiments are formulated. Some...
Masanobu Tamada
(Kinki University)
7/1/10, 2:40 PM
The Chacaltaya hybrid experiment together with emulsion chamber and EAS-array
can detect air-showers by the air-shower array, the accompanied atmospheric families
(a bundle of high energy electrons and gamma-rays) by emulsion chambers and hadrons
by burst detectors just under the emulsion chambers.
We study overall characteristics of the experimental data, gamma-families and hadron...
7/1/10, 3:15 PM
Analysis on a especial event with a main characteristics of Centauro type events, i.e. mean transverse momentum of hadrons in an order of 1 GeV/c will be presented. In spite of this event (Centauro V) doesn’t show the aspect of pioneer event (Centauro I), that is the upper part of the detector has more particles than the lower part, the event Centauro V shows other common characteristics of...
Anatoly Petrukhin
(National Research Nuclear University MEPhI)
7/2/10, 8:30 AM
During last tens years many unusual results which are very difficult to explain in frames of existing theories and models were obtained in cosmic ray investigations. But it is possible to explain all these results if to suppose that some new state of matter with effective mass about TeV and with large orbital momentum appears. This new state of matter can be, for example, quark-gluon plasma,...
Alexander Borisov
(P.N.Lebedev Physical Institute, RAS)
7/2/10, 8:50 AM
A detailed study of X-Ray emulsion chamber response with ECSim 2.1 computer package adopted from GEANT 3.21 code and suited for imitation of measuring procedures, employed in the Pamir experiment makes it possible to determine more accurately the proton fraction in the primary cosmic ray (PCR) flux at energies around the “knee” E_0=1-100 PeV. In particular, it is shown that the proton fraction...
Philipp Kronberg
(LANL/University of Toronto)
7/2/10, 9:05 AM
A review will be given of what is known, and surmised about magnetic fields in space, from our Milky Way to the distant Universe well beyond the GZK horizon.
Various analysis methods are described. These include Faraday rotation (RM)
measures of extragalactic radio sources, Faraday probes of the cosmic background radiation, and the recent detection of faint diffuse synchrotron radiation in...
Luis Anchordoqui
(University of Wisconsin Milwaukee)
7/2/10, 9:50 AM
Non-trivial toplogical properties of string world sheets with three boundaries can give rise to superpotentials which preserve supersymmetry but violate R-symmetry by two units. This results in four point functions which permit s-wave annihilation of two neutralinos into gauge bosons. If the topological partition function is such as to allow saturation of the WMAP dark matter density for low...
Jordan Goodman
(University of Maryland)
7/2/10, 10:30 AM
Using the Milagro data from 2000 to 2007 containing more than 95 billion events (the largest such data set in existence), we performed a harmonic analysis of the large-scale cosmic-ray anisotropy. We observe an anisotropy with a magnitude around 0.1% for cosmic rays with a median energy of 6 TeV. The dominant feature is a deficit region of depth 0.25% in the direction of the Galactic North...
Kumiko Kotera
(University of Chicago)
7/2/10, 11:15 AM
The quest for sources of ultrahigh energy cosmic rays has long been associated with the search of their secondary gamma ray signatures. While propagating, the former indeed produce very high energy photons through the interactions with particles of the intergalactic medium, or by synchrotron emission in the presence of substantial magnetic fields.
We examine the prospects for the...
Philip Schreiner
(Benedictine University)
7/2/10, 12:00 PM
When high energy cosmic rays interact in the stratosphere, mesons are produced in the primary hadronic interactions. The MINOS experiment detects cosmic ray produced muons using two magnetized detectors at underground depths of 220 and 2080 mwe. The muon charge ratio and the variation of muon intensity with atmospheric temperature are used to obtain information on meson production by the...
Edgar Bugaev
(Institute for Nuclear Research)
7/2/10, 12:15 PM
In the first part of the talk the interesting new results of L3, MINOS and CMS collaborations are briefly discussed from theoretical point of view: an observational evidence of the rise in the muon charge ratio (L3 and MINOS data) at muon energies around 1 TeV and detailed studies of electromagnetic interactions of high energy muons (in a momentum range up to 1 TeV/c) in the medium of CMS...
Paul Sommers
7/2/10, 1:30 PM
Eun-Joo Ahn
(Fermilab), Dr
Ralph Engel
(KIT, Karlsruhe)
7/2/10, 4:00 PM
Xmax, the depth of maximum number of charged particles in the atmosphere during the longitudinal development of an air shower, is a valuable parameter to understand the nature of cosmic rays. The behaviour of Xmax is closely related to the composition of the primary particle. Hadronic interaction models, which are tuned with accelerator data, are required to understand the composition. Hence...