August 5, 2009
Curia II
US/Central timezone

Measurements of beam distribution evolution under stochastic cooling systems in the Antiproton Source

Aug 5, 2009, 10:10 AM
Curia II (Curia II)

Curia II

Curia II


Mr Nick Jackson (Henderson State University)


A charged particle passing through a resonant stripline detector or a resonant cavity creates a small signal pulse known as a dirac pulse. The Schotty detector sequence is used as a measurement tool for beam evolution all around the lab. A Longitudinal Schotty detector located in the PBar tunnel is essential for observing properties of the beam. This paper will discuss the use of LabVIEW for Schotty beam pick up from acquiring the data, to the analysis to finally presenting the findings.

Primary author

Mr Nick Jackson (Henderson State University)

Presentation materials