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Indico will be unavailable on Monday Feb 17th from 4:30-5PM CST due to server maintenance.
This very "collaborative" venue provides current and prospective OSG members, users and partners with an opportunity to talk through the activities and problems, lessons learned and future plans for the Open Science Grid Consortium. The All Hands Meeting will be held March 8-10, 2010 at Fermilab in Batavia, IL. An OSG Council meeting will follow in the same location on March 11th. As usual additional related meetings will be co-scheduled with the All Hands Meeting. This should be an exciting time for the US LHC with the systems being used once again for real data processing: The US CMS Tier-2 and Tier-3 meetings will both be held early in the week. On Monday we will continue the tradition to have 1/2 day workshops on specific topics - please contact any member of the Executive Board if you have requests for one of these. Any suggestions on speakers, discussion fora, BOFs etc are welcomed also. On Tuesday afternoon there will be a session where you can set up a demonstration of an application, technology or other activity that you would like to share with your colleagues (the "Electronic Demonstration Session"). You are invited to submit an abstract for this session. We will make available a table, chair, power strip, wireless network connection and a 17" screen. Slots for this session are limited to about 10. The program committee will make the selection of which demonstrations to include based on the abstracts, by March 1st. With your input and participation we look forward to another good meeting! |
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At this session we will follow up on issues identified at the ESNET-OSG Identity Management Workshop. We will discuss the "disaster scenarios" identified by the VO contacts. Also, the OSG Security Group will explain the status of action items and activities identified in the workshop report.
Please view the agenda at :US CMS Tier 2 Workshop
Please view the agenda: US ATLAS Tier 2 / Tier 3 Workshop
At this session we will follow up on issues identified at the ESNET-OSG Identity Management Workshop. We will discuss the "disaster scenarios" identified by the VO contacts. Also, the OSG Security Group will explain the status of action items and activities identified in the workshop report.
The goals are to bring us up to date on the status of virtualization frameworks from CERN, Nimbus, and Condor, as well as to share experiences and plans related to the virtualization of science applications and exploration and use of Cloud computing (science and commercial).
The goals are to bring us up to date on the status of virtualization frameworks from CERN, Nimbus, and Condor, as well as to share experiences and plans related to the virtualization of science applications and exploration and use of Cloud computing (science and commercial).
Open Discussion.
There will be a presentation on the process, tools, and ownership plan for improving OSG documentation that resulted from the documentation alignment work that began last year. The recommendations from this project will be implemented over the next several months and the new process will provide an on-going mechanism to manage and improve our documentation.
This will be an open discussion.
Researchers will present and exchange information about their biology applications that use distributed high throughput computing. We will discuss current and future collaborative activities between the research communities and the OSG.
Please view the agenda: US ATLAS Tier 2 / Tier 3 Workshop
Researchers will present and exchange information about their biology applications that use distributed high throughput computing. We will discuss current and future collaborative activities between the research communities and the OSG.
An opportunity for the exchange of ideas as well as suggestions for future directions for OSG with respect to the collective VO's.
Please see below for the topics of discussion:
- How does your VO provide dynamic and ad hoc requirements to OSG, and is this process effective?
- How should OSG get engaged for sustaining your VO?
- Is your VO's interest well represented in OSG? If not, any suggestions for improvement?
- Best practices for attracting and retaining users. E.g., how to engage users of local HPC for using the grid.
- Resource discovery tools
- Tools/techniques to better allow troubleshooting and resolution of the many components of the OSG software stack
- How can we improve installation and end user documentation?
- Accounting tools
- What does "supporting a particular VO" mean for a site?
- How can a VO ensure that a particular site supports the needs of its users?
- What is the required list of software? (There are several "optional" components that are actually required to run, so
why are they optional)
- Potential funding opportunities
This will be an opportunity to bring all groups up to date on the status and plans for collaborative and joint activities, community priorities, and needs for the near term future.
We will be hosting a tour of CDF and D0 here at Fermilab.
Victoria White - Acting Associate Lab Director for Computing / CIO will present the opening welcome talk.
Discussion of the activies of the OSG Constortium Council.
Convener: Kent Blackburn
Panel Members:
Kent Blackburn
Lothar Bauerdick
Steve Gallo
Paul Avery
Patrick Brady
Michael Ernst
This session will cover the production and operation activities of the OSG.
Convener: Dan Fraser
Panel Members:
Rob Quick
Suchandra Thapa
Brian Bockelman
Followed by an open discussion.
The OSG software and security.
Covener: Alain Roy
Panel Members:
Mine Altunay
Igor Sfiligoi
Torre Wenaus
Talk titles to follow.
Reports from several of the students who attended the International Summer School on Grid Computing and TeraGrid Student Programs in 2009.
Students names as follows:
Anwar Mamat
Andrew Young
Malina Kirn
Derek Weitzel
Cole Brand
Lightening Talk titles to follow.
Report on current OSG organization, goals and thoughts for the future.
The OSG technology group will document the current high-level and end-to-end design. Create a design road map and ongoing coordination and advice.
Please view the agenda