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Indico will be down for maintenance on Wednesday, July 17th from 7-7:30 am.

Fermi Mac Users Group Meeting

The Comitium (The Comitium)

The Comitium

The Comitium

Wilson Hall 2nd floor southeast
Ben Segbawu (Fermilab)
Monthly Fermi Mac Users Group Meeting
    • 1
      Welcome and Agenda
      Next Meeting FCC Power Update 10.6 Upgrade Issues New VPN Client Roll Out Krb5.conf Update Switchers Standard Configuration Mac Users Web Page Role of Mac Users List Open Discussion
      Speaker: Ben Segbawu (FNAL)
    • 2
      FCC Power Update
      How Did it Affect the Mac Group Foundation Systems went down but are now up
      Speaker: Ben Segbawu
    • 3
      10.6 Upgrade Path
      Who can Upgrade and what it will require to upgrade
      Speakers: Ben Segbawu (FNAL), Kirk Skaar (FNAL)
    • 4
      10.6 Upgrade Issues
      Sophos QMX VPN
      Speakers: Ben Segbawu (FNAL), Kirk Skaar (Fermilab), Waylon Meadors
    • 5
      New VPN Client Roll Out
      Status of New VPN Client and Roll out plan
      Speakers: Ben Segbawu, Kirk Skaar (FNAL)
    • 6
      Krb5.conf update Version 14
    • 7
      So You saw the Light and switched from Windows. Now where is your window and your control alt delete
      Speaker: Jason Broccardo
    • 8
      Standard Configuration
      Show Approved Configurations Monitors EPEAT vs ESH
      Speakers: Ben Segbawu, Kirk Skaar (FNAL)
    • 9
      Mac Users Web Page
      show mac Page @
    • 10
      Role Of Mac Users List
      What is the Mac Users List for and How can we use it effectively.
      Speakers: Ben Segbawu, Jason Broccardo, Kirk Skaar (FNAL), Waylon Meadors
    • 11
      Open Discussions
      Questions, Answers and helpful Suggestions