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12–14 Jul 2010
US/Central timezone

Contribution List

20 / 20
Dr Pier Oddone (Fermilab)
12/07/2010, 09:00
Dr Bruce Chrisman (Fermilab)
12/07/2010, 10:15
Ben Kilminster (Fermilab)
12/07/2010, 13:50
Marco Verzocchi (Fermilab)
12/07/2010, 14:30
Robert Kephart (FNAL), Stephen Holmes (Fermilab)
12/07/2010, 16:10
Jonathan Lewis (Fermilab)
13/07/2010, 09:00
George Ginther (University of Rochester)
13/07/2010, 09:30
Paul Derwent (Fermilab)
13/07/2010, 09:40
Dr John Cooper (Fermilab)
13/07/2010, 10:00
Robert Kephart (FNAL)
13/07/2010, 10:40
Catherine James (Fermilab), Dr Regina Rameika (Fermilab)
13/07/2010, 10:50
James Strait (FNAL)
13/07/2010, 11:20
Sergei Nagaitsev (FNAL)
13/07/2010, 11:40
Dr Ron Ray (Fermilab)
13/07/2010, 12:00

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