18–20 Aug 2010
Hilton Hotel Seattle Downtown, Seattle, WA, U.S.A.
US/Pacific timezone

Recent development of nuclues nucleus and low energy neutron interactions in Geant4

19 Aug 2010, 11:50
Hilton Hotel Seattle Downtown, Seattle, WA, U.S.A.

Hilton Hotel Seattle Downtown, Seattle, WA, U.S.A.


Dr Tatsumi Koi (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)


Radiation environment in a spacecraft is very complicated. A variety of high energy nucleus exists in cosmic rays. Some of them interacts with nucleus in the spacecraft and produces many secondary particles including neutrons. Therefore both nucleus-nucleus and neutron-nucleus interactions are important for the assessment of radiational damage of the devices flown on a spacecraft. Recent development of QMD model of Geant4 will be presented , especially an improvement on high energy interactions. I also give a status report of development of a new low energy neutron transportation codes.

Primary author

Dr Tatsumi Koi (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)

Presentation materials