Mark Looper
(The Aerospace Corporation)
18/08/2010, 14:00
The Cosmic Ray Telescope for the Effects of Radiation (CRaTER) has been in orbit around the moon aboard NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) for over a year. The purpose of CRaTER is to measure the radiation environment that will be experienced, in particular, by astronauts on and near the lunar surface; to that end, CRaTER consists of a stack of six silicon solid state detectors...
Francisco Garcia
(Helsinki Institute of Physics)
18/08/2010, 14:20
BepiColombo is European Space Agency’s (ESA) mission to Mercury. It has been named after the Italian mathematician and engineer Giuseppe (Bepi) Colombo, known especially for his works on Mercury. The spacecraft will set off in 2013 on a journey lasting about six years.
One of the scientific instruments onboard the mission will be SIXS, Solar Intensity X-ray and particle Spectrometer. It is...
Edward Mitchell
(Imperial College)
18/08/2010, 14:40
The highly miniaturised radiation monitor (HMRM) is a simple particle detector being developed for wide application on satellites in a broad range of orbits. The HMRM is a collaborative effort between the STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory and Imperial College London, aimed at addressing ESA’s radiation monitoring strategy in the category of small, versatile, devices intended for alert and...
18/08/2010, 15:00
The European Space Agency is supporting the extension of the Geant4 general purpose Monte Carlo simulation toolkit for the modeling of biological effects of radiation at the DNA and cellular scales for space applications, in the framework of the ESA AO6041 project. In this talk, we will describe the context of this research project and overview on-going developments. These developments include...