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24–26 Aug 2010
US/Central timezone

Contribution List

30 / 30
Dr Pier Oddone (Fermilab)
24/08/2010, 09:00
Steve Vigdor (BNL)
24/08/2010, 09:10
Dr Estia Eichten (Fermilab)
24/08/2010, 09:55
Richard Fernow (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
24/08/2010, 10:45
Prof. Daniel Kaplan (Illinois Institute of Technology)
24/08/2010, 12:05
Dr Michael Zisman (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
24/08/2010, 13:45
Linda Coney (UC Riverside)
24/08/2010, 14:25
Dr Tom Roberts (Muons, Inc.)
24/08/2010, 15:00
Steve Virostek (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab)
24/08/2010, 15:05
Dr Pavel Snopok (UC Riverside)
24/08/2010, 15:55
Bob Palmer (BNL)
24/08/2010, 15:55
Prof. Kirk McDonald (Princeton University)
24/08/2010, 16:15
Dr Keith Gollwitzer (Fermilab)
24/08/2010, 16:20
Dr J. Scott Berg (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
24/08/2010, 16:40
Yuri Alexahin (Fermilab)
24/08/2010, 17:00
Dr Michael Lamm (Fermilab)
25/08/2010, 09:00
Prof. Alan Bross (Fermilab)
25/08/2010, 09:00
Dr Derun Li (LBNL)
25/08/2010, 09:55
David Larbalestier (FSU)
25/08/2010, 09:55
Katsuya Yonehara (Fermilab)
25/08/2010, 11:00
John Tompkins (FNAL/TD/MSD)
25/08/2010, 11:00
Prof. Don Hartill (Cornell University)
25/08/2010, 11:20
Alain Blondel (University of Geneva)
25/08/2010, 13:00
Prof. Don Hartill (Cornell University)
25/08/2010, 13:40
Yagmur Torun (IIT/Fermilab)
25/08/2010, 14:10
Dr Michael Zisman (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
25/08/2010, 16:00

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