Hi All I promised to send meeting notes in plain text so here goes. 1. Next meeting is June 16th, 2010 . If you have Suggestions for future topics please send them to me at bens@fnal.gov with subject fmug topics 2. Had a very good joke ( not really true) but I will not tell you because you did not attend the meeting. 3. Reminder that Mac Users Web Page is at http://computing.fnal.gov/xms/Services/Getting_Services/Mac_OSX 4. The standard configurations for Mac computers has been updated go to http://computing.fnal.gov/xms/Services/Getting_Services/Fermilab_Standard_Computers 5. Apple Presentation - Met with new apple representatives and the System Engineer gave a presentation about Apple in the Government Environment. 6. Mac Announce Mailing list – we are trying to get list from sysadminDB to populate the list. 7. Safari 5 now works with KCA certificates Kronos - 8. Did a demo of accessing Kronos using 10.6.4 with Safari 5 and showed some lag time but it does connect and work. 9 . Currently Kronos is supported on 10.6.3 with Safari 4 10. Unsupported but working 10.6.4 with Safari 5. Tim and Jason also said that you can use Firefox if you use a user agent to switch firefox to act as safari. 11. All Mac clients are required to have Microsoft Remote Desktop Clients installed. For where to download and installation instructions for Remote Desktop Client http://computing.fnal.gov/xms/Services/Getting_Services/Use_Windows_Terminal_Server_for_FTL 12. Do not forget to fill out your time sheet on Friday June 18th. 13. Websites with more information for Kronos For Training on Kronos documents http://www.fnal.gov/pub/ftl/training-documents.html For all other information regarding Kronos ( very informative page) http://www.fnal.gov/pub/ftl/launch.html Then we had a lively Open Discussion ( you just had to be there !!!) 14. As always if you have any questions or issues related to Macs' please open up a service desk ticket at servicedesk.fnal.gov