August 28, 2011 to September 2, 2011
US/Central timezone
Slides available on Indico -- there are no formal proceedings

Heavy Top Quark Production in the Bestest Little Higgs Model at the LHC

Aug 30, 2011, 11:45 AM
D: Wilson Hall 1 North

D: Wilson Hall 1 North


Kenneth Moats (Carleton University)


Traditional Little Higgs models suffer from two generic problems. The first is that it is difficult to generate a Higgs quartic coupling without violating custodial symmetry and the second is the existence of fine-tuning in the top sector. These problems are solved in the Bestest Little Higgs model, which is based on an SO(6)xSO(6)/SO(6) coset space with a built-in custodial symmetry. A distinctive feature of this model is the existence of several top quark partners that are considerably lighter than in other Little Higgs models without T-Parity, leading to a more interesting collider phenomenology. In this talk, I explore the possibility that these top partners can be produced and discovered at the LHC.

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