T-980 Meeting - 2011 Plans, Pixel Noise Issues, QM status, 8 MS strip analysis

T980 Meeting Notes from Feb 16, 2011:

Plans for 2011:

Beam Plans:
Dean explained beam study plan and tunnel changes during March 7 shutdown:
Beam plans following EOS 30 hours for the rest of 2011 with stacked times for visitors.

March 7 period:
- Replaced at least one of the crystal in the vertical goniometer.
- MS for sure.
- QM is still to be decided. Cern guys did not want QM to be replaced.IHEP guys believe that there is error in alignment.FNAL guys are not hopeful we can determine clear results in the remaining time and want to replace it with the MS-08-09.Viktoriya is going to analyze all scan with E1LTOT and F1LTOT since we believe these signals did not work to see if there is any effect.

Install F17 Pixel:

E0 Pixel Noise Problems:
Ryan explained clearly 3 possible areas to reduce noise. Noise is related to image currents produced from beam RF noise
Software -
- Ryan has a software filter that should help reduce effects but does not get rid of it.
Hardware - outside the vacuum
- Today there was an access and a new shielded and better grounded CAPTAN box was installed.

Hardware - inside the vacuum
Will use F17 pixel to decide best cable shielding methods to apply to the E0 pixel.

QM Status and Overall Results of EOS:
There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 13:00 13:05
      Plans for the rest of 2011 5m
      - Uncertain when Tev will stop running (March to Oct): - should plan to get now as much time as possible. March 7 shutdown: 1)Remove and reinstall E0 Vertical Goniometer. 2) Install F17 Pixel Detector. 3) Remove and reinstall OR fix in place E0 Pixel detector. Priorities: - Find channel for QM. (After - Commission Pixel both planes. - Channel QM and O shape through pixel get profile of channeled beam. - Demonstrate 2 plane crystal collimation.
      Speaker: Mr Dean Still (Tevatron)
      T980 Plans for 2011
    • 13:05 13:30
      E0 Pixel Noise Issues and Solutions 25m
      - E0 Pixel has Beam Induced Noise: - Explanation of problem. - Possible solutions. -Changes Needed to of F17 Pixel before Installation:
      Speaker: Ryan Rivera
    • 13:30 13:45
      Status to of QM-01-10 15m
      Speakers: Mr Dean Still (Tevatron), Mrs Viktoriya Zvoda (AD/Tevatron)
      QM 2011 Analysis
    • 13:45 14:00
      Analysis of IHEP 8 strip strip MS-08-09 15m
      Speakers: Mr Dean Still (Tevatron), Dick Carrigan