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23–24 Oct 2006
US/Central timezone

Contribution List

42 / 42
Don Petravick (Fermilab)
23/10/2006, 08:30
Harvey Newman (Caltech)
23/10/2006, 08:40
David Foster (CERN)
23/10/2006, 09:40
Don Petravick (Fermilab)
23/10/2006, 10:10
Phil Demar (Fermilab)
23/10/2006, 10:50
Sylvain Ravot (Caltech)
23/10/2006, 11:10
Tom West (NLR)
23/10/2006, 13:20
John Bigrow (Brookhaven NL)
23/10/2006, 14:20
Ian Gable (HEPNET/Canada)
23/10/2006, 14:40
Jim Shank
23/10/2006, 15:20
Ian Fisk (Fermilab)
23/10/2006, 15:50
Rich Carlson
23/10/2006, 16:20
Iosif Legrand (Caltech), Joe Metzger, Phil Demar, Shawn McKee, Sylvain Ravot
23/10/2006, 17:10
Panel and discussion of monitoring and diagnosis in LHC context.
Bram Peeters, Erik-Jan Bos (SURFnet)
24/10/2006, 08:30
Harvey Newman (Caltech), Sylvain Ravot (Caltech)
24/10/2006, 08:50
David Foster (CERN)
24/10/2006, 09:35
Don Petravick (Fermilab), Scott Bradley (Brookhaven NL)
24/10/2006, 11:10
Ian Fisk (Fermilab), Shawn McKee (Univ. of Michigan)
24/10/2006, 13:00
Joe Metzger (ESnet), Rick Summerhill (Internet2)
24/10/2006, 13:40
Rick Summerhill (Internet2)
24/10/2006, 14:25
Bill Johnston (ESnet), Dantong Yu (Brookhaven NL)
24/10/2006, 14:55
Craig Tull (DOE), Phil Demar
24/10/2006, 15:55
Chin Guok (ESnet), Mr Dantong Yu (Brookhaven), Iosif Legrand (Caltech), Matt Crawford (Fermilab), Shawn McKee (Univ. of Michigan)
24/10/2006, 17:25
Dantong Yu (Brookhaven)
Mr Don Petravick