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EF06 Kick-off meeting

To attend the meeting, please follow this Zoom link: Meeting ID: 930 4806 0070 Password: 004374
Christophe Royon, Huey-Wen Lin (MSU), Pavel Nadolsky (Southern Methodist University)

To attend the meeting, please follow this Zoom link:
Meeting ID: 930 4806 0070
Password: 004374

    • 09:00 09:20
      EF06: Organization and working plans 20m
      Speaker: Christophe Royon
    • 09:20 09:30
      Small-x limit and diffraction 10m
      Speaker: Cristian Baldenegro
    • 09:30 09:40
      #D tomography of the proton TMD gluon distribution 10m
      Speaker: Francesco Celiberto
    • 09:40 09:50
      Summary of proposed Belle II activities: Charmonium, Bottonium and XYZ states 10m
      Speaker: Bryan Fulsom
    • 09:50 10:00
      Far forward neutrinos at the LHC as an opportunity to study various QCD aspects 10m
      Speaker: Maria Garzelli
    • 10:00 10:10
      Connectiona between the upcoming EIC program and hadron collider (LHC) phenomenology 10m
      Speaker: Tim Hobbs
    • 10:10 10:20
      Plans for potential contributions for Snowmass 2020-2021 10m
      Speaker: Krzysztof Kutak
    • 10:20 10:30
      The spectrum of heavy quark exotics 10m
      Speaker: Richard Lebed
    • 10:30 10:40
      Towards N3LO accuracy of colinear nucleon PDFs 10m
      Speaker: Pavel Nadolsky
    • 10:40 10:50
      nCTEQ wish list 10m
      Speaker: Fred Olness
    • 10:50 11:00
      High energy inclusve processes with forward/backward or single forward production 10m
      Speaker: Alessandro Papa
    • 11:00 11:10
      Forward physics at proton collider 10m
      Speaker: Michael Pitt
    • 11:10 11:20
      Minijets 10m
      Speaker: Mark Strikman
    • 11:20 11:30
      Anomalous coupling with forward protions 10m
      Speaker: Justin Williams
    • 11:30 11:40
      Precision determination of nucleon PDFs 10m
      Speaker: Keping Xie
    • 11:40 12:10
      Discussion 30m