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17 July 2020
US/Central timezone

Recording of zoom meeting available here:

or here:

Registration is required: please go to

Deadline for registration: July 8

Zoom information was sent to registrants on July 16.

We are organizing the conversation around three main categories, andfor each of these, the convener group has developed a few questions to spark discussion:

Physics goals and motivation

  • How are the limitations of existing neutrino sources and detectors affecting our physics reach? 

  • What kinds of new physics searches should we prioritize, especially considering that there are no decisive hints regarding what lies beyond the standard model from other fundamental physics experiments?

  • What can neutrino physics do for other fields of science and technology?

Theory and neutrinos

  • What is the theory motivation to go beyond the current program?

  • How can theorists best support the experimental program?

Structure of the program

  • How do we maintain the necessary breadth of physics, including smaller experiments, auxiliary measurements, and activities within larger projects?

  • How can we ensure that experimental and theoretical efforts have enough resources to pursue questions of significant interest, even if those questions cross the boundaries of Frontiers or funding umbrellas? 

We are inviting community members to sign up for 3-minute slots to make oral comments addressing any of these questions.  We will accommodate as many as will fit in the time period. There will also be an “open mic” category for comments on any topic.

You can sign up to make a comment using the registration form above.

We also welcome written questions and comments for the Neutrino Frontier conveners and the topical group conveners to answer.  You can include these in the registration form if desired.

Please note: this Town Hall session is intended for general comments.  We welcome input on specific physics or projects via the Snowmass LOI channel. 

We expect commenters to follow Snowmass community guidelines for all interactions.

A reminder: information on Neutrino Frontier activities can be found at

We encourage everyone to participate!

Patrick Huber

Kate Scholberg

Elizabeth Worcester

