CF1. Dark matter: Particle-like Kickoff Meeting


Kickoff meeting for Snowmass CF1 activities. Zoom link is here:

We would like to invite you to participate in the public kick-off meeting of the Snowmass Cosmic Frontier “CF1. Dark Matter: Particle-like" Topical Group on June 26, at 1 pm Eastern time, 10 am Pacific time. For experimentalists, please also circulate this invitation in your collaborations. The agenda and zoom coordinates can be found here:
The CF1 topical group focuses on dark matter in the regime where it appears to cosmic frontier experiments/observatories as individual quanta. In particular, this topical group includes direct and indirect detection methods (and to some extent accelerator-based methods, although those are largely covered in other topical groups and frontiers). We draw the “particle-like” vs. “wave-like” boundary at a dark matter mass around 1 eV, with searches for sub-eV dark matter handled by the second CF group, CF2, and heaver dark matter covered in CF1 (this group). More details will be eventually found at the wiki page:

The goal of the kickoff meeting will be to describe the process as we see it from CF1, get a broad picture of the scope of possible efforts that might fit into this topical group, prepare for a series of more focused meetings to follow this summer on particular aspects of particle-like dark matter, and get initial feedback from the community.. 

To gauge the interest of the community and help organize those meetings, if you are interested in particle-like dark matter in any way, please fill out the following questionnaire:

In the meantime, make sure you sign up for our email list if you haven’t already, and also join the snowmass slack channels - we will move to exclusively using those forms of communication after this blast email. Details on how to join can be found on the wiki:

Also, we hope that you are already thinking about your LOIs and white papers, and we will certainly discuss those topics at the meeting. The CF conveners have prepared a template for LOIs that may be useful, found here:

Jodi Cooley (SMU), Tongyan Lin (UCSD), Hugh Lippincott (UCSB), Tracy Slatyer (MIT), 
Co-conveners of CF1