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The Energy Frontier is hosting preparatory joint Topical Group sessions on July 7 and July 8, 2020. The goal of the preparatory joint sessions will be to review ongoing and proposed activities within and across Energy Frontier (EF) Topical  Groups  to identify emerging topics and ideas that will serve as focus points for the physics program of the EF.  These sessions are in preparation for the EF Workshop on July 20-22: they will serve to inform the discussions of the parallel sessions across topical groups during the EF Workshop, and help develop the overall vision of the EF for the Snowmass process.

Zoom connection link - click here to connect
Zoom Meeting ID: 929 5419 0232
Password: 836689
The call for abstracts from the community is now open. We call for two types of contributions:
  1. "Short talks" (~10 min duration),  and
  2. "Offline flash talks" contributions, which will be viewed offline only. For these offline talks, you are encouraged to submit a few slides, an audio file, or a video file.

During the selection of the abstracts, they may be combined to allow for a short summary talk on related topics. The notifications for selection will be sent shortly after the submission deadline.


Zoom Meeting ID: 929 5419 0232
Password: 836689