- From Alain Blondel to Everyone: (10:30 AM) ?question toKacper: what happens if you constrain alpha_s to +- 0.0001? (FCC-ee) See page with scan, if making alpha_s uncertainty very small, then dominated by Yukawa coupling uncertainty - From Michael Begel to Everyone: (10:32 AM) ?What are the dominant theoretical and experimental uncertainties in the ttbar threshold scan? From Marcel Vos to Everyone: (10:36 AM) ?Theory is the dominant issue: the NNNLO calculation yields an uncertainty of 3% or so on the cross section, and will limit the mass precision to about 50 MeV? From Frank Simon to Everyone: (10:36 AM) ?For the systematics: See for example JHEP 11 (2019) 003 ¥ e-Print: 1807.02441 [hep-ex], p 26