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High-energy phenomenology implications of the Electron-Ion Collider

7 Jul 2020, 11:20
Short Talks Session EF01+03+04+05+06: Predictions for SM processes ( including higher-order corrections, PDF, parton shower, etc.) EF01+03+04+05+06


Timothy Hobbs (CTEQ at SMU)


With the recent approval of CD-0 for the Electron-Ion Collider and its siting at Brookhaven National Lab, the EIC program enjoys strong forward momentum. As a community, we are now tasked with understanding the phenomenological implications of the future EIC program, which will extend to many corners of particle physics, and planning accordingly to enhance the scientific impact. In this talk, I concentrate on the role the EIC will play in growing the sensitivity of hadron collider-based searches for beyond Standard Model (BSM) physics, as well as other activities at the Energy and Intensity Frontiers. I will highlight recent progress toward the realization of a working community dedicated to maximizing the EIC benefits to efforts at hadron colliders and vice versa.

Primary author

Timothy Hobbs (CTEQ at SMU)

Presentation materials