Easy e+e- event analysis with LCIO & miniDST

7 Jul 2020, 10:40
Short Talks Session EF01+03+04+05+06: Predictions for SM processes ( including higher-order corrections, PDF, parton shower, etc.) EF01+03+04+05+06


Dr Shin-ichi Kawada (DESY)


We introduce a new data format tailored to provide an easy and efficient entry into projections for e+e- colliders, called miniDST. The miniDST comprises isolated electron, muon, tau and photon candidates, jets with b- and c-tagging information, particle flow objects and MC truth information as well as event shape variables.
It is based on LCIO and is directly readable in root.
The miniDST can be filled from full detector simulation, SGV fast simulation and from Delphes.
The ILC community is planning to provide substantial data sets at various center-of-mass energies in this format, along with examples and documentation.

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