I wanted to check to see if your group had made a slack channel/email list and began meeting yet to complete the short time-scale tasks below as discussed in our kickoff meeting:• Identifying 2 volunteer points of contact while you decide on leadership ASAP (these are not the leaders, but temporary points of contact with each frontier)
• Identifying designated volunteer(s) to provide video connection software, list on indico, post minutes on indico, and to send out meeting reminders
• Determine a process for selecting 2-3 leaders per frontier (frontier liaisons). If many interested leaders, could rotate leadership every 6 months. (e.g. some SEC do: 4 month terms, 2 leaders, overlap of 2 months)
• Begin defining 1 month, 3 month, and 6 month goals
• Establish a list of names of who will go to which topical group meetings (these are not necessarily the liaisons, just want to ensure coverage)