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Indico will be unavailable on Monday Feb 17th from 4:30-5PM CST due to server maintenance.

SEC Computational Frontier Coordination

    • 1
      Indico Use

      How do we want to use indico?
      Do we start storing our meeting notes there?
      Do we abandon the google doc?
      Do we "archive" the old meetings from the google doc in indico?

    • 2
      SEC Action Items

      I wanted to check to see if your group had made a slack channel/email list and began meeting yet to complete the short time-scale tasks below as discussed in our kickoff meeting:• Identifying 2 volunteer points of contact while you decide on leadership ASAP (these are not the leaders, but temporary points of contact with each frontier)
      • Identifying designated volunteer(s) to provide video connection software, list on indico, post minutes on indico, and to send out meeting reminders
      • Determine a process for selecting 2-3 leaders per frontier (frontier liaisons). If many interested leaders, could rotate leadership every 6 months. (e.g. some SEC do: 4 month terms, 2 leaders, overlap of 2 months)
      • Begin defining 1 month, 3 month, and 6 month goals
      • Establish a list of names of who will go to which topical group meetings (these are not necessarily the liaisons, just want to ensure coverage)

    • 3
      LoI Discussion

      Submit LoI as EC members?
      Other option: bring LoI ideas to CompF meetings to include other members of CompF
      Bolded Points from Last Meeting:
      - Governance in Scientific Computing Projects
      - Long term reproducibility and Sustainability
      Deadline: End of August?