Tess Smidt
31/05/2011, 16:00
Intensity Frontier
Liquid Argon Time Projection Chambers (LArTPC) are being developed to study the neutrino sector because of their sensitivity and scalability. In a LArTPC, light detection information is used in conjunction with a wire chamber to reconstruct charged particle paths. MicroBooNE is a LArTPC being built at Fermilab to measure neutrino cross-sections in liquid argon and investigate the low-energy...
Xinjie Qiu
31/05/2011, 16:20
Intensity Frontier
MINOS is a long-baseline neutrino oscillation experiment utilizing the NuMI neutrino beam from Fermilab. Although not designed for atmospheric neutrino analyses, the uniqueness of the MINOS magnetized detector enables neutrino induced muon charge discrimination and the measurement of the charge asymmetry due to matter effects as a function of zenith angle and neutrino energy. The oscillation...
Jesse Chvojka
31/05/2011, 16:40
Intensity Frontier: MINERvA
We present recent anti-neutrino Quasi-Elastic scattering results in the few GeV region. Data was taken with the MINERvA detector in the NuMI beam at Fermilab. We discuss sample selection and show data and simulation comparisons.
Jaewon Park
31/05/2011, 16:55
Intensity Frontier: MINERvA
I will talk about new reconstruction algorithm that is based on a medical CT scan image reconstruction to reconstruct electron shower event in MINERvA detector.
Jose Palomino Gallo
31/05/2011, 17:10
Intensity Frontier: MINERvA
Ideas how to reconstruct charge current Pi zero production in the Minerva Experiment.
Leonidas Aliaga Soplin
31/05/2011, 17:40
Intensity Frontier: MINERvA
MINERvA experiment is running since the last year and the first analysis are taking place. In this presentation I show the candidate event formation from our data and the tools that manage the readout dead time. Both of them are very important in the reconstruction stage.