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24–25 Aug 2020
US/Central timezone

Creating Unique Parton Shower Histories with Sector Showers

25 Aug 2020, 08:45


Christian Tobias Preuss (Monash University)


In conventional parton showers, including dipole/antenna ones, a given (Born+𝑚)-parton configuration can typically be reached via (𝑚!) different shower histories. In the context of matrix-element-correction and merging procedures, accounting for these histories mandates fairly complex and resource-intensive algorithms.
A so far little explored alternative in the shower context is to divide the branching phase spaces into distinct "sectors", each of which only receives contributions from a single branching kernel. This effectively makes the shower operator bijective, i.e., each parton configuration now has a single unique “history". Sector showers can therefore be regarded as offering the ultimate potential to alleviate the bottlenecks of conventional techniques to match or merge shower predictions and multi-leg matrix elements.
I will here present the sector formalism for antenna showers, including initial- and final-state radiation with mass and helicity dependence, and give an outlook on dedicated matching and merging schemes utilising its bijective nature.

Primary author

Christian Tobias Preuss (Monash University)


Helen Brooks (Monash University) Peter Skands (Monash University)

Presentation materials