24–25 Aug 2020
US/Central timezone

The muon $g$-2 and $\Delta \alpha$ connection

24 Aug 2020, 16:30


Dr Alexander Keshavarzi (University of Manchester)


The discrepancy between the Standard Model prediction and experimental measurement of the muon magnetic moment anomaly, $\alpha_\mu=(𝑔_\mu−2)/2$, is connected to precision electroweak (EW) measurements via their common dependence on hadronic vacuum polarization effects. The same data for the total $e^+e^-\rightarrow$ hadrons cross section, $\sigma_had(𝑠)$, are used as input into dispersion relations to estimate the leading hadronic vacuum polarization contribution $\alpha^{\text{had,LO VP}}_\mu$, as well as the five-flavor hadronic contribution to the running QED coupling at the 𝑍-pole, $\Delta\alpha^{(5)}_{\text{had}}(M^2_Z)$, which enters natural relations and global EW fits. The EW fit prediction of $\Delta\alpha^{(5)}_{had}(M^2_Z)$=0.02722(41) agrees well with $\Delta\alpha^{(5)}_{had}(M^2_Z)$=0.02761(11) from the dispersion relation approach, but is suggestive of a larger discrepancy $\Delta \alpha_\mu = \alpha^{exp}_\mu-\alpha^{SM}_\mu$ than currently expected. Postulating that the $\Delta\alpha_\mu$ difference may be due to unforeseen missing $\sigma_{\text{had}}(s)$ contributions, implications for $M_W$, $\sin^2\theta^{\text{lep}}_{\text{eff}}$ and $MH$ obtained from global EW fits are investigated. Shifts in $\sigma_{\text{had}}(s)$ needed to bridge $\Delta\alpha_\mu$ are found to be excluded above $\sqrt{s}\sim$ 0.7 GeV at 95\%CL. Moreover, prospects for $\Delta\alpha_\mu$ originating below that energy are deemed improbable given the required increases in the hadronic cross section. Such hypothetical changes to the hadronic data are also found to adversely affect other related observables, such as the electron anomaly ($\alpha_e$), the rescaled ratio $R_{e/\mu}=(m_\mu/m_e)^2(\alpha^{\text{had, LOVP}}_e/\alpha^{\text{had, LOVP}}_\mu)$, and the running of the weak mixing angle at low energies.

Primary authors

Dr Alexander Keshavarzi (University of Manchester) Massimo Passera (INFN Padova) William J. Marciano (Brookhaven National Laboratory) Alberto Sirlin (New York University)

Presentation materials