Monday Afternoon 1
- Jaroslaw Nowak ()
We present the proton and neutron vector form factors in a convenient parametric form that is model independent and optimized for momentum transfers ≤ a few GeV2. The form factors are determined from a global fit to electron scattering data and precise charge radii measurements. We apply a new treatment of radiative corrections. We consider two classes of illustrative examples: first,...
Neutrino-nucleon charged-current quasielastic scattering is one of the main ingredients for neutrino-nucleus interaction models. Precise knowledge of this process is crucial for the successful measurements of neutrino oscillation parameters at accelerator-based facilities. Exploiting effective field theory, we factorize neutrino-nucleon quasielastic cross sections into soft, collinear, and...
The unified approach of Feldman and Cousins allows for estimating confidence intervals for datasets with small statistics that commonly arise in high energy physics. It has gained widespread use, for instance, in measurements of neutrino oscillation parameters in long-baseline experiments. However, the approach is computationally intensive as it is typically done in a grid-based fashion over...