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Updated physics reach of the ESSnuSB project

Not scheduled
Poster session Neutrino Physics Neutrino Physics Session 2


Dr Monojit Ghosh (Ruder Boskovic Institute)


ESSnuSB project is a design study for an upcoming accelerator-based neutrino oscillation experiment which will be driven by the ESS proton accelerator. The primary goal of this experiment is to measure the leptonic CP-violation phase with high precision at the second oscillation maximum. In this presentation, I will discuss the physics sensitivities of the proposed ESSnuSB experiment. In particular, I will discuss the improvement in the measurement of the leptonic CP phase with the updated event selection criteria within the standard three flavour scenario. In this context, I will also discuss its capability to measure neutrino mass hierarchy and octant of the atmospheric mixing angle. In addition, I will also discuss the capability of this experiment to probe two of the new physics scenarios which are (i) light sterile neutrinos and (ii) invisible neutrino decay.

Primary author

Dr Monojit Ghosh (Ruder Boskovic Institute)

Presentation materials