DUNE Global Computing Operations



Andrew Mcnab, Heidi Schellman (Oregon state), Kenneth Herner (Fermilab), Michael Kirby (FNAL), Steven Timm (Fermilab), Stuart Fuess (Fermilab), peter clarke (University Edinburgh)

Weekly operations meeting for sites doing DUNE computing

Operations meeting


No active GGUS

No active CERN tickets

No active operations issue at FNAL

Factory setting for DUNE gpce03/04 is in, Steve will file ticket to modify gpfrontend

Need a new vofeed.xml for Raja




Elisabetta—resumed np02 operations

Bubbles are still happening.

After pressure bump they don’t go away as long as they did before.

Will go higher pressure bump


Then try to operate the CRP that is not/cted by the bubbling

Seeing maximum voltage it can take.


Steve will try to do the two full-reconstructed runs and get them to CCIN2P3




Still trying to ping np04 to get their run spreadsheet updated.

Still some cold box data and noise runs.


Iceberg still taking data and we are ingesting, still quite small.


Near detector ArgonCube supposed to go test beam sometime, when?




Production operations

Running at NERSC—messed up disk space size request

Single particle MC

Intermediate detsim files are huge.


GPU as service test coming up this week.


Haven’t heard back from CPBF on job router stuff


Some environment variables had to be set in the job router to find the certificates

Helio—have we contacted Renato?  Renato was on the ticket.


Steve—can we override cert locations from the factory end.


Prod3 runs of 3, 5, 6, 7 —they want to wait on the MC, to have another go at fixing the space charge effect.   New name to be determined.

Data reco—probably want that to be with same release as MC.



Data management ops


Discussion—is SNOW the best way to track?

Production requests data movement requests,

Wenlong is trying to get as many sites as possible to put on SRR





Site report


LHCB has seen problems streaming data out of RAL_ECHO

CMS and ATLAS may be seeing hint out of same thing.

DUNE may also be affected.

Contacting xrootd developers




Info systems ETF and CRIC

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