DUNE UK Computing Meeting, 3 August 2020 ======================================== https://indico.fnal.gov/event/44654/ Andrew McNab (AM, chair) Peter Clarke (PC) Jon Hays (JH) Matt Doidge (MD) Fergus Wilson (FW) Apologies: Wenlong Yuan (WY) and Raja Nandakumar (ND). See reports inline. Introduction and News (AM) ===================== AM: Still waiting for site renaming PR to be approved by San Diego. Change meeting protections? Roundtable ========== Edinburgh --------- WY: Apologies for the August meeting, I just update the status of monitoring storage usage and allocations across the UK sites. I query SRR info into Rucio for calculating the storage usage and allocations, then dump them for monitoring. I attached a screenshot of the storage monitor table, also as url: http://tatties.ph.ed.ac.uk:5601/goto/1eb06af0e8e5d86e1bfc4f4a698aa68d The SRR info of UK DPM sites have been found. While QMUL and Imperial are not having SRR available, which are STORM and dcache sites. Mentioned by Petr Vokac, there are two documents to setup SRR for STORM and dcache sites: https://dcache.org/old/manuals/Book-5.2/srr.shtml http://italiangrid.github.io/storm/documentation/how-to/how-to-publish-json-report/ PC: Bring up the CCB again. Thinking how to get "pledges" from countries at this stage. "Pledges" into CRIC, as with WLCG. AM: Will ask CRIC people to set this up. Manchester ---------- AM: Working on VO Feed for DUNE CRIC. (Need more help for CRIC experts.) Starting to look at DUNE HEPScore benchmarking as part of new WLCG HEPScore Task Force RAL-PPD ------- RN: My apologies for Monday. 1. Gave the DUNE talk at the Tier-1 resources review meeting 2. Updated the parameters in the SanDiego glide-in system for the RAL Tier-1. Waiting for some time for statistics to build up 3. Waiting for vofeed.xml from CRIC to move the ETF testing to talk directly to CRIC 4. I am not sure about the status of the WMS benchmarking discussion as I had to unfortunately leave the discussion early on Monday. QMUL ---- JH: Some IRIS free space. Will contact Philip Jackson about what it is to be used for. Lancaster --------- MD: 122TB of DUNE data. Data allocation in UK --------------------- FW: Can we decide what data we want in the UK? Coherent data set in the UK would encourage people to run in the UK. Better reporting etc. PC: Not how WLCG experiments do it, but DUNE isn't at that stage yet. No systematic policy. Would be a good way of taking the reins ourself. AM: A bit ungrid, but it would act as a carrot to get people to run outside of FNAL and CERN, and to push the automatic job matching. AOB --- Next meeting first Monday of September.