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30 July 2020
Zoom meeting
US/Eastern timezone

SNOWMASS-IF-07-ELECTRONICS-ASICS - Flashtalks workshop

Contribution List

22 / 22
Gabriella Carini
30/07/2020, 13:00
George Iakovidis (BNL), Stephen Butalla (Florida Institute of Technology (US))
30/07/2020, 13:10
Jonathan Asaadi (University of Texas at Arlington)
30/07/2020, 13:17
Aritoki Suzuki (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory), Carl Grace (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
30/07/2020, 13:24
Tom Cecil (Argonne)
30/07/2020, 13:31
Juan Estrada Vigil (FNAL)
30/07/2020, 13:38
Paul O'Connor
30/07/2020, 13:45
Timothy Andeen (Columbia University)
30/07/2020, 13:52
Timon Heim (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab)
30/07/2020, 13:59
Mitch Newcomer (U.Penn)
30/07/2020, 14:06
Jingbo Ye (Southern Methodist University)
30/07/2020, 14:27
Rajit Manohar
30/07/2020, 14:34
Carl Grace (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
30/07/2020, 14:41
Kurtis Nishimura (University of Hawaii)
30/07/2020, 15:02
Jim Hoff (Fermilab)
30/07/2020, 15:09
Jim Hoff (Fermilab)
30/07/2020, 15:16
30/07/2020, 15:23
30/07/2020, 15:55

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