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Sep 15 – 17, 2020
US/Central timezone

The virtual workshop is organized by the Fundamental Physics in Small Experiments topical group (RF3) in the Rare Processes and Precision Measurements Frontier of the Snowmass21 Community Planning process. The aim of the workshop is to prepare for the Community Planning Meeting in the beginning of October. In particular the workshop will focus on dipole moment experiments that will (or should) be carried in the next ten years, and the attendant theory, so that we best inform the US HEP community what can be done in this area. The invited talks will focus on the prospects for the next 5 to 10 years, highlight any requirements for detector R&D, facilities, or computing, and mention any possible cross-links to other frontiers (cosmic, energy, etc.).

The meeting will be hosted via Zoom (Meeting ID: 95191462798). The ZOOM link with the password to join will be emailed to registrants on a regular basis prior and during the workshop
Registration for this event is currently open.