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Snowmass Computational Frontier Workshop: Convener Meeting (restricted)


Live notes
Meeting ID: 942 0968 1513
+13126266799,,94209681513# US (Chicago)
+16465588656,,94209681513# US (New York)

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    • 4:00 PM 4:10 PM
      News 10m
      Speakers: Benjamin Nachman (LBNL), Dr Oliver Gutsche (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory), Steven Gottlieb (Indiana Univ.)
    • 4:10 PM 4:24 PM
      Roundtable 14m
      • CompF1: Experimental Algorithm Parallelization 2m
        Speakers: Giuseppe Cerati (Fermilab), Katrin Heitmann (Argonne National Laboratory), Walter Hopkins (Argonne National Laboratory)
      • CompF2: Theoretical Calculations and Simulation 2m
        Speakers: Dr Daniel Elvira (Fermilab), Peter Boyle, ji qiang (LBNL)
      • CompF3: Machine Learning 2m
        Speakers: Prof. Daniel Whiteson (UC Irvine), Kazuhiro Terao, Dr Kazuhiro Terao (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory), Prof. Phiala Shanahan (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
      • CompF4: Storage and processing resource access (Facility and Infrastructure R&D) 2m
        Speakers: Prof. Frank Wuerthwein (UCSD), Robert Gardner (University of Chicago), Wahid Bhimji (Edinburgh)
      • CompF5: End user analysis 2m
        Speakers: Dr Amy Roberts (CU Denver), Dr Gavin Davies (University of Mississippi), Prof. Peter Onyisi (University of Texas at Austin)
      • CompF6: Quantum computing 2m
        Speakers: Dr Gabriel Perdue (Fermilab), Prof. Martin Savage (Institute For Nuclear Theory), Prof. Martin Savage (INT), Dr Travis Humble (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
      • CompF7: Reinterpretation and long-term preservation of data and code 2m
        Speakers: Kyle Cramner, Matias Carrasco Kind, Mike Hildreth (Notre Dame University)
    • 4:24 PM 5:00 PM
      Discussion 36m