CLFV - Heavy state decays



Bertrand Echenard (Caltech), Isobel Ojalvo (Princeton University (US)), Patrick Meade (UW-Madison), Sacha Davidson (IN2P3), Simone Pagan Griso (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory), Tulika Bose (University of Wisconsin-Madison), Zhen Liu (University of Maryland)

This workshop aim to review the current situation of Charged Lepton Flavor Violation in heavy state decays (Higgs, Z/W, top, exotics,...) and discuss future perspectives at high-energy colliders.

This meeting is part of a series of events in the context of Snowmass 2021, and is organized jointly by the topical groups EF02: EW Physics: Higgs Boson as a portal to new physics , EF09: BSM: More general explorations and RF5: Charged Lepton Flavor Violation (electrons, muons and taus).

Connection information: Click here

Feel free to contact the group conveners if you have any question or comment

Zoom recording at