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21–23 Sep 2020
US/Central timezone

As part of the on-going 2021 Snowmass process, the Neutrino Theory topical group TF11 is organizing a virtual Neutrino Theory mini-workshop to be held on September 21-23, 2020. The meeting will encompass a broad range of topics in neutrino theory, including neutrinos in astrophysics & cosmology, neutrino cross sections, neutrinoless double-beta decay, oscillations, mass and flavor model building, and BSM physics at neutrino experiments. More info on the topics covered by TF11 can be found here.

We strongly encourage you to submit a contributed talk on any of the topics covered by TF11. Contributed talks are an excellent opportunity for younger people to contribute and allow one to present and discuss topics that were submitted to Snowmass as LOIs. Contributed talks may also serve as a trigger for LOIs. Your inputs are extremely valuable to the Snowmass effort.

Thank you form the Topical Group TF11

Andre, Irina, Louis, and Saori

Registration for this event is currently open.