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21–23 Sep 2020
US/Central timezone

A comprehensive EFT global fit in the neutrino experiments

21 Sep 2020, 11:30


Dr Zahra Tabrizi (Virginia Tech)


I will talk about how to systematically study the physics beyond the standard model (BSM) in the neutrino oscillation experiments within the standard model Effective Field Theory (SMEFT) framework. In this way, the analysis of the data can capture large classes of models, where the new degrees of freedom have masses well above the relevant energy for the experiment. Moreover, it allows to compare several experiments in a unified framework and in a systematic way. The approach will be applied to several short- and long baseline neutrino experiments. I will show the results of these EFT searches at the Daya Bay and RENO experiments as well as FASERnu.

Primary author

Dr Zahra Tabrizi (Virginia Tech)

Presentation materials